Works / By composition date
1103 works
Michel van der Aa (1970) Biography Documentary resources
elec stage After Life opera for six singers, ensemble, video and electronics, 1 h 40 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
elec Mask for ensemble and electronics, 15 mn, Boosey & Hawkes
Peter Ablinger (1959) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
elec A letter from Schoenberg piece read with mechanical piano, collaboration with Winfried Ritsch, 1 mn 49 s, pas d'éditeur
elec Audioanalyse / Die Auflösung / Freud in England / Le grain de la voix for computer-controlled piano and videotext, 4 mn
elec From inside out for display-window, microphone and loudspeaker, pas d'éditeur
elec Kein Konzert for flute, piano, percussion, microphone, loudspeakers, objects, absent and imaginary sounds, 18 mn, pas d'éditeur
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elec Orchester und Rauschen for orchestra and electronics, 18 mn, Zeitvertrieb
Regenstück for flute, piano, water percussion and membranes, 12 mn, pas d'éditeur
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Hans Abrahamsen (1952) Biography Documentary resources
Air for accordion, 9 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
Schnee two canons for nine instruments, 17 mn, Wilhelm Hansen
John Adams (1947) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
John Luther Adams (1953) Biography Documentary resources
elec The Place Where You Go to Listen a continuous sound and light environment at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks Museum of the North, Taiga Press
for Jim (rising) for three trumpets and three trombones, 6 mn 30 s, Theodore Front Musical Literature
Ondřej Adámek (1979) Biography Documentary resources
Thomas Adès (1971) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Andrea Agostini (1975) Biography Documentary resources
Patricia Alessandrini (1970) Biography Documentary resources
Javier Alvarez (1956-2023) Biography Documentary resources
elec Petenera for electroacoustic sounds, 4 mn
Pedro Amaral (1972) Biography Documentary resources
Abstract for solo oboe, 9 mn, Inédit
Lenzi for solo viola, 12 mn, Inédit
Luminescences for viola and 5 instruments, 12 mn, Inédit
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Paraphrase Densities II, for ensemble, 17 mn, Inédit
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elec ircam Script for percussion and live electronics, 40 mn, Inédit
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Dieter Ammann (1962) Biography Documentary resources
Gilbert Amy (1936) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Mark Andre (1964) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
ni for ensemble, 17 mn, Peters
…auf… 1 for large orchestra, 12 mn, Peters
elec …hoc… for cello and live electronics, 17 mn, Peters
Louis Andriessen (1939-2021) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Raadsels for solo violin, Boosey & Hawkes
Luca Antignani (1976) Biography Documentary resources
Georges Aperghis (1945) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
Jon Appleton (1939-2022) Biography Documentary resources
Roland Auzet (1964) Biography Documentary resources
Fatal plumages musical theater for three sopranos and four percussions
Noriko Baba (1972) Biography Documentary resources
Jacopo Baboni Schilingi (1971) Biography Documentary resources
elec Disparition radio creation, electroacoustic composition, 19 mn 26 s
elec stage Interdit au moins de 16 ans music for a poetic and musical show designed with Jean-Pierre Balpe and Jean-Blaise Evéquoz
Joanna Bailie (1973) Biography Documentary resources
Double for clarinet, guitar, piano, violin and cello, 14 mn
Vykintas Baltakas (1972) Biography Documentary resources