Works / By specific formation
Comment faire une recherche par effectif détaillé sur BRAHMS ?1348 works out of 50675
- Streets of Berlin aka Bent Greta's Song, for ensemble and voice (1997), 2 h 35 mn, Dunvagen Music Publishers / Philip Glass
- Strophen for soprano, spoken voice and ensemble (1959), 8 mn, Schott / Krzysztof Penderecki
- Strophes for mixed choir and six instruments (1970), 20 mn, Jobert / Alain Bancquart
- Stupori six readable silences for baritone, flute, violin and percussion (2018), 30 mn, RAI.COM / Salvatore Sciarrino
- stage Sturmkind children's musical theater (2012), Verlag Neue Musik / Hannes Dufek
- elec Stuttgart 2089 for voice, trumpet, trombone, 2 percussion, piano, guitar, cello and DVD (2010), 41 mn / Jennifer Walshe
- stage Suite pour voix et 4 instrumentistes music for the play "The day of a dreamer" by Copi, for 1 female voice, 3 male voices, flute, percussions, violin and mandolin (1968), 17 mn 30 s, Salabert / Jean-Pierre Guézec
- Sulla ruota del giorno for soprano and six instruments (1998), 20 mn, Ricordi / Fabio Nieder
- stage Superflumina one act opera (2010), 1 h 30 mn, Rai Trade / Salvatore Sciarrino
- elec Supramodal Parser four-piece program for singer, electric guitar, saxophone, percussion, piano and electronics (2015) / Alexander Schubert
- elec Sur le Qui-Vive female voice, five instruments and recorded sounds (1985), 25 mn, Suvini Zerboni / Henri Pousseur
- stage Sur Scène Chamber musical theater piece (1959), 45 mn, Peters / Mauricio Kagel
- Surabaya Johnny arrangement of a song from Happy End by Kurt Weill, for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (1972), 5 mn, Universal Edition / Luciano Berio
- elec stage Surrogate for narrator and ensemble, taken from Surrogate Cities (1994), 7 mn, Ricordi / Heiner Goebbels
- Suzuki Baleno for soprano, flute, clarinet, violin and percussion (2016), 7 mn, Edition·S / Bára Gísladóttir
- Suzuki Baleno II for soprano, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and percussion (2016), 7 mn, Edition·S / Bára Gísladóttir
- elec Sweetheart, Goodbye! for voice, ensemble and loudspeaker (2012), 12 mn 20 s / Brigitta Muntendorf
- elec swrd for soprano, percussionist, CD player, sampler with bad microphone (1999-2001), 15 mn / Maja S. K. Ratkje
- elec stage Syllabaire pour Phèdre chamber opera for solo voices, choir, ensemble and electronics (1966-1967), 31 mn, Billaudot [program note] / Maurice Ohana
- Symphonie de psaumes for mixed choir and orchestra (1948, 1930), 23 mn, Boosey & Hawkes / Igor Stravinsky
- elec Symphonie II - La liseuse for voice and spatialized orchestra (2003), 41 mn, Lemoine [program note] / Brice Pauset
- Symphonie n° 14 in G minor, for soprano, bass, string orchestra and percussion (1969), 47 mn, Le Chant du Monde / Dimitri Chostakovitch
- Symphonie n° 5 « Amen » for reciter and ensemble (1989-1990), 13 mn, Sikorski / Galina Ustvolskaïa
- S[z]umun for three female voices and ensemble (2008), 13 mn / Heera Kim
- T'ien chung Yao for soprano, cymbalum and two percussionists (1985), 19 mn / James Wood
- Talea for percussion, soprano and double bass (2004), 13 mn / Marta Gentilucci
- Tao of Glass for voice and small ensemble (2019), 30 s, Dunvagen Music Publishers / Philip Glass
- Tara portrait d'Artaud I, for bass-baritone, flute, four percussionists, celesta and double bass (2012), Éditions musicales Artchipel / François Meïmoun
- Tarkhna – Etruskische Räume for two reciters, two solo female voices, vocal ensemble, two percussionists and wind instruments (2006-2007), 32 mn / Marta Gentilucci
- stage Tarquin two-part chamber opera (1940), Universal Edition / Ernst Krenek
- Taste for soprano and ensemble (1992), 10 mn about , Inédit [program note] / Isabel Mundry
- Te espera esa Chispa for mixed choir and ensemble (1982), 10 mn, Inédit / Javier Alvarez
- elec Tehillim version for voices and ensemble (1981), 30 mn, Boosey & Hawkes [program note] / Steve Reich
- elec stage Temboctou for solo voices, choir, ensemble and tape (1981), 2 h 30 mn, Inédit / François-Bernard Mâche
- Tempo der Zeit for contralto, bass, narrator, mixed choir, wind instruments and percussion (1929), 20 mn, Universal Edition / Hanns Eisler
- Temp’est for female voice and ensemble (1994), 25 mn, Peters / James Dillon
- elec ircam Tenebrae for six voices, ensemble and electronics (2012-2013), 28 mn, Durand [program note] / Alberto Posadas
- stage Teorema parable in music, in two acts (1991-1992), 1 h 10 mn, Ricordi / Giorgio Battistelli
- Terrible for voice, three trumpets, electric guitar, electric bass and percussion (1982) / Iris ter Schiphorst
- Textile Nacht for soprano, trombone, percussion, piano and cello (2013-2014), 8 mn, Breitkopf & Härtel / Isabel Mundry
- elec Thanatoséros for soprano, tenor and ensemble (2010), 26 mn, Suvini Zerboni / Ivan Fedele
- elec The Kempelen machine for "prepared" voice, eight instruments and electromagnetic devices (2015), 20 mn, Ricordi / Mauro Lanza
- elec The Alvin Curran Filharmonia for voice, cello, guitar, percussion, Powerbook, piano and keyboards (2002) / Alvin Curran
- The Beautiful Names for tenor, mixed choir and ensemble (2004), 1 h 10 mn, Chester Music / Sir John Tavener
- stage The Beggar's Opera A Ballad-Opera, by John Gay (1728), from the original composition by John Chistopher Pepusch (1667-1752) (1948), 1 h 45 mn, Boosey & Hawkes / Benjamin Britten
- The Blind Fiddler song cycle for mezzo-soprano and ensemble (1975), 43 mn, Boosey & Hawkes / Sir Peter Maxwell Davies
- elec The body electric - Voicings on Walt Whitman I for female voice, clarinet, trombone, viola, percussion and electronics (2013-2014), 23 mn / Georgia Spiropoulos
- elec stage The Boy who lived down the lane I/II 5 scenes in search of an opera, for mezzo-soprano, baritone, seven instruments and electronics (2010-2011, 2012), 20 mn about / Diana Soh
- stage The Burning Fiery Furnace second Parable for church performance (1966), 1 h 4 mn, Faber Music / Benjamin Britten
- stage The Cappemakers opera for ten soloists, two narrators, male chorus and ensemble (1964), 30 mn, Chester Music / Sir John Tavener