Works / By type

2714 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble of up to 9 instruments

  • Giorgio Battistelli (1953) Biography Documentary resources
    • elec Aria antica dal XX secolo for soprano, tenor, synthesizer and kettledrums, Inédit
    • Coro di morti for mixed choir and percussions, 6 mn, Ricordi
    • stage Jules Verne chamber fantasy in performance form for percussion trio, three voices, trumpet and piano, 60 mn, Ricordi
    • Metempsicosi for soprano, three recorders and ornitophones, Inédit
    • elec stage Parthenope for reciting voice and nine instruments, 33 mn, Ricordi
  • Carola Bauckholt (1959) Biography Documentary resources
    • Die faule Vernunft Hörspiel for two voices and ensemble, 19 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • Es wird sich zeigen for three voices, percussion and string quartet, 60 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • In gewohnter Umgebung II for five actors, clarinet, piano, cello, objects and lights, 30 mn
    • Lau & Lau for two male voices, ocarina and harmonica, 12 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • elec Pumpe for voice, accordion, piano, light and tape, 30 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • Reibung & Verschleiß for voice, three cellos, four percussionists and light, 20 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • Schraubdichtung for spoken voice, double bassoon, cello and percussion, 12 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • Stachel der Empfindlichkeit for mezzo-soprano, countertenor, three cellos and four percussionists, 35 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • elec stage The Vacuum Pack musical theater, for voice, trombone, piano, percussion, cello and electronics, 30 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • Wortanfall for voices and ensemble, 25 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
    • hellhörig for soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone, three cellos, piano and percussion quartet, 1 h 20 mn, Thürmchen Verlag
  • Franck Bedrossian (1971) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Pleine lune for children's choir, violin, double bass and fagott, 8 mn, Billaudot
  • Michael Beil (1963) Biography Documentary resources
    • elec belle nuit for soprano, string trio and electronics, 13 mn, édition du compositeur
    • elec transit for six singers, six instruments and electronics, 15 mn, édition du compositeur
  • Rachel Beja (1984) Biography Documentary resources
  • George Benjamin (1960) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Gerald Bennett (1942)
  • Luciano Berio (1925-2003) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • Agnus included in Opera, for two sopranos, three clarinets and organ obbligato, 5 mn, Universal Edition
    • Air from Opera, version for soprano and four instruments, 7 mn, Universal Edition
    • Ballade von der sexuellen Hörigkeit from Die Dreigroschenoper by Kurt Weill, arranged for mezzo-soprano and ensemble, 3 mn, Universal Edition
    • Beatles Songs arrangements for voice and ensemble, 8 mn, Universal Edition
    • Canticum Novissimi Testamenti Ballata, for four clarinets, saxophone quartet and vocal octet, 18 mn, Universal Edition
    • Circles for female voice, harp and two percussions, 20 mn, Universal Edition [program note]
    • Claudio Monteverdi, Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda arrangement for soprano, tenor, baritone and ensemble, 25 mn, Universal Edition
    • Deus meus for voice and three instruments, 12 mn, Inédit
    • Due Pezzi sacri for two sopranos, piano, two harps, timpani and bells, Inédit
    • El Mar la mar for soprano, mezzo-soprano and seven instruments, 12 mn, Universal Edition
    • Folk Songs for mezzo-soprano and seven instrumentalists, 23 mn, Universal Edition
    • Melodramma from Opera, for tenor and instruments, 15 mn, Universal Edition
    • O King for voice and five instruments, 5 mn, Universal Edition
    • Prayer-Prière for voice and instruments ad libitum, 15 mn, partition retirée du catalogue
    • Twice upon ... wordless theater for six groups of children, 20 mn, Ricordi
  • Alain Berlaud (1971) Biography Documentary resources
    • elec stage Comment Wang-Fô fut sauvé for saxophone quartet, actor-narrator and electronics, 60 mn about , pas d'éditeur
    • Invent'airs for soprano and wind quintet, 10 mn, pas d'éditeur
    • L'arbre for five female voices and two percussionists, 5 mn 25 s, pas d'éditeur
    • Opéra Amazonia educational piece for narrator, three sopranos, mixed choir and small ensemble, 1 h 30 mn about , pas d'éditeur
  • Giovanni Bertelli (1980) Biography
    • stage AMDG for five singers and two percussionists
    • Amare, Madre for mezzo-soprano and ensemble, 11 mn, Inédit
    • Contro il principio di inerzia for tenor and bass, trumpet and trombone, violin and viola, 8 mn, Inédit
    • elec Introitus agiografia di futuro cadavere dal Codex Seraphinianus di Luigi Serafini, for female voice, percussion and electronics, 17 mn, Inédit
    • Natura Morta con Marzapane for soprano, horn, percussion and violin, 10 mn, Inédit
  • Birke J. Bertelsmeier (1981) Biography Documentary resources
    • A.M. for soprano and string quartet, 4 mn
    • Nacht for female voice, string quartet and double bass
    • TIC for bass, trumpet, trombone, two percussions, electric guitar, piano and cello