Works / By type

3926 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and ensemble

  • Henry Fourès (1948) Biography Documentary resources
    • elec Maât for vocal and instrumental ensemble, magnetic tape and spatialization process, 1 h 30 mn
    • Trobar for voice and five instruments, 20 mn, Symétrie
  • Christopher Fox (1955) Biography Documentary resources
    • American Choruses for sixteen voices and two electric organs, 40 mn, The Fox Edition
    • Ci-Gît for mezzo-soprano, bass clarinet, prepared piano (+ alto flute, viola, cello ad lib.), 16 mn, The Fox Edition
    • Missa est for countertenor (or mezzo-soprano), tenor, four violas da gamba, rebec, recorder, portable organ, bells, 22 mn, The Fox Edition
    • Notes from a Cold Front for voice, recorder, lute and dulcimer (or equivalent instruments), 12 mn, The Fox Edition
    • Too Far for soprano, piano, violin and cello, 1 h 15 mn, Composers Edition
    • elec Widerstehen chamber opera for mezzo-soprano, actress, ensemble and electronics, 45 mn, The Fox Edition
    • dolce… pianto for voice, viola and microtonal keyboard, 4 mn, The Fox Edition
    • elec für Johannes Kepler for mezzo-soprano, viola and microtonal keyboard, 15 mn, The Fox Edition
  • Matteo Franceschini (1979) Biography Documentary resources
  • Luca Francesconi (1956) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
  • Jürg Frey (1953) Biography Documentary resources
  • Nicolas Frize (1950) Biography Documentary resources
    • elec Composition française for large children's choir, large adult choir, vocal octet, four soloists (France, Algeria, Vietnam, Palestine), small harmony, cello, double bass
    • elec Concert de Pierres 2ème creation for 5 percussionists, soprano, bass clarinet, violin and tape. Exclusively mineral instrumentation composed of more than 3,000 rocks and minerals, raw or tuned
    • elec Concert de Pierres 3ème resumption of the device of the "Concert de Pierres 2e" and musical rewriting
    • Concert de Timbres for three percussion ensembles, three choirs, an important instrumental ensemble of timbres (chimes, bells, ringtones, etc.) and tape
    • elec Concert de haine two hundred choristers-instrumentalists and tape
    • Concert de locomotives for nine SNCF motor coaches, 12 singers and a solo soprano, piano, percussions, station master and various sounds, objects and station accessories
    • elec Concert de timbres (1&2) for three percussion ensembles, three choirs, an important instrumental ensemble of timbres (chimes, bells, ringing tones, etc.) and magnetic tape
    • elec Elle est belle opera for 90 children, soloists, choirs and small ensemble
    • elec Je ne sais pas score for musical ensemble made up of four singers, eleven professional instrumentalists and an amateur choir of one hundred people, dancers, painters, poetic subtitles and a magnetic tape
    • elec Passion Profane for bass clarinet, percussion, cello, electric instruments, heterogeneous acoustic instrumentarium, soprano and backing vocals, with magnetic tapes
    • Patiemment for soloists, singers, instrumentalists and choir (with the participation of around 100 performers and 12 adolescents from Degeyter College)
    • Êtres for instrumental ensemble and choir