Works / By type

2080 works for Voice(s) and/or choir(s) and orchestra

  • Wolfgang Rihm (1952) Biography Oeuvre Documentary resources
    • "Dämmrung senkte sich von oben" for baritone and orchestra, 4 mn, Universal Edition
    • ...fleuve V (omnia tempus habent) for mezzo-soprano, baritone and orchestra, 1 h 20 mn, Universal Edition
    • 3. Symphonie for soprano, baritone, mixed choir and large orchestra, 1 h 7 mn, Universal Edition
    • Andere Schatten musical scene for solo voices, narrator, mixed choir and orchestra, 25 mn, Universal Edition
    • Bildlos / Weglos for seven female voices and orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
    • stage Das Gehege nocturnal scene, for soprano, mime and orchestra, 45 mn, Universal Edition
    • De profundis for choir and orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
    • Deus Passus Passions-Stücke nach Lukas, for soloist, mixed choir and orchestra, 1 h 40 mn, Universal Edition
    • Deutsches Stück mit Hamlet for mezzo-soprano, baritone and orchestra, 30 mn, Universal Edition
    • elec stage Die Eroberung von Mexico Musiktheater, 2 h, Universal Edition
    • elec stage Die Hamletmaschine Musiktheater in five parts, 1 h 30 mn, Universal Edition
    • stage Dionysos Eine Opernphantasie, 2 h 30 mn, Universal Edition
    • Diptychon for soprano and orchestra, 18 mn, Universal Edition
    • stage Drei Frauen musical theater in three monodramas, for dramatic soprano, tenor and orchestra, 1 h 35 mn, Universal Edition
    • Drei Sonette von Michelangelo for baritone and orchestra, 12 mn, Universal Edition
    • Drei späte Gedichte von Heiner Müller for contralto and orchestra, 18 mn, Universal Edition
    • Dritte Abgesangsszene for baritone and orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition
    • Départ for mixed choir, spoken choir and twenty-two instrumentalists, 7 mn, Universal Edition [program note]
    • stage Eine Strasse, Lucile for soprano and orchestra, 16 mn, Universal Edition
    • Ernster Gesang mit Lied for medium voice and orchestra, 18 mn, Universal Edition
    • Europa nach dem letzten Regen eleven poems for soprano, contralto, tenor and orchestra, 48 mn, Universal Edition
    • stage Faust und Yorick chamber opera, 50 mn, Universal Edition
    • Franz Schubert, Der Wanderer D 489 for medium to low pitched voice and orchestra, instrumentation by Wolfgang Rihm, 4 mn, Universal Edition
    • Frau / Stimme for soprano and orchestra with soprano, 20 mn, Universal Edition
    • Fünf Abgesangsszenen for mezzo-soprano, baritone and orchestra, 1 h 22 mn, Universal Edition
    • Fünfte Abgesangsszene for mezzo-soprano, baritone and orchestra, second version, 18 mn, Universal Edition
    • In doppelter Tiefe for two female voices and orchestra, 28 mn, Universal Edition
    • Insula felix for two solo voices, choir and chamber orchestra, 30 mn, Universal Edition
    • Kolonos two fragments of Hölderlin after Sophokles, for contralto or counterenor and chamber orchestra, 13 mn, Universal Edition
    • Konzertarie Telepsychogramm, for mezzo-soprano and large orchestra, 12 mn, Universal Edition
    • Lenz-Fragmente five poems, second version, for voice and orchestra, 10 mn, Universal Edition
    • Lied for medium voice and orchestra, 5 mn, Universal Edition
    • Lowry-lieder for voice and orchestra, 25 mn, Universal Edition
    • Maximum est unum for contralto, four sopranos, two mixed choirs, orchestra and organ, 35 mn, Universal Edition
    • Mein Tod. Requiem in memoriam Jane S. for soprano and large orchestra, 35 mn, Universal Edition
    • Memoria 3 Requiem-Bruchstücke, for children's voice, contralto, choir and orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
    • elec stage Oedipus Musiktheater in two parts, 1 h 33 mn, Universal Edition
    • Penthesilea Monolog for dramatic soprano and orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition
    • QUID EST DEUS Cantata Hermetica, for choir and orchestra, 33 mn, Universal Edition
    • Reminiszenz for tenor and large orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
    • Rilke: 4 Gedichte for voice and orchestra, 25 mn, Universal Edition
    • Samothrake for soprano and orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
    • Sechs Lieder for voice and orchestra, Inédit
    • Stille Feste for choir and orchestra, 40 mn, Universal Edition
    • Symphonie "Nähe fern" for baritone and orchestra, 55 mn, Universal Edition
    • elec stage Tutuguri Poème dansé, ballet for large orchestra, choir on magnetic tape and narrator, 2 h, Universal Edition
    • Vierte Abgesangsszene for mezzo-soprano and orchestra, 15 mn, Universal Edition
    • Was aber - for two female voices and orchestra, 9 mn, Universal Edition
    • Wölfli-Lieder second version of Wölfli-Liederbuch, for bass-baritone and orchestra, 10 mn, Universal Edition
    • Zweite Abgesangsszene for medium voice and orchestra, 20 mn, Universal Edition