The setup and the execution of the electroacoustic part of this work requires a Computer Music Designer (Max expert).

Documentation date: 11 mars 2023

Version state


Validation date: 11 mars 2023

Version documentalist

  • lemouton (

Version realisation

Version length

16 mn 19 s

Upgrade Motivation

some clicks removed


This version provides a max patch to play the 4-channel track.
To play the piece any other software - DAW - can be used.

(Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to for correction.)

Channel details

  • Number of output channel : 4

Electronic equipment list

Computer Music Equipment

  • 1 Computer - Computers
  • 1 Max 8 - Max (Cycling74)
    You can use any DAW in order to play STRIA
  • 1 Sound Board - Sound Board
    Sound Board must have at least 4 audio Output Channels

Audio Equipment

  • 4 Loudspeaker - Loudspeakers
  • 1 Mixing Console - Mixing Console
    Digital or Analog


  • 29 septembre 1977, Paris, Centre Georges-Pompidou, concerts Passage du XXe siècle, conférence audiovisuelle de Luciano Berio sur la musique électroacoustique.

Work length

  • 16 mn 32 s
Télécharger tous les fichiers
File Author(s) Comment
Download [210,6 Mio] Audio file(s) Original soundfiles John Chowning for reference
Download [548,1 Mio] All-in-one Chowning_Stria_2023.dmg Patch Max 8, 4 Audio Files, Readme File



Setup speakers in square form :

  • Channel 1 : Front Left,
  • Channel 2 : Front Right,
  • Channel 3 : Rear Right,
  • Channel 4 : Rear Left.


Double click on the file Chowning_Stria_2023.maxpat


The execution of “STRIA“ must obligatorily be carried out using a copy from the master tape and must be in 4 channel configuration.


The actual SR of the patch is 48000 Hz

Choose your audio interface

For performing the piece you will need 4 audio channels. Check the channel mapping in Max. Go to Options/Audio Status/Open I/O Mappings.

Reset Gain to 0dB. Gain adjustments must be proceded on the final mixer


Stria starts directly and plays through the end by clicking on PLAY


(French only)

Version notes

Since version 2020, 10 clicks have been removed at the following places :

  • 0’34
  • 5’54
  • 1’48
  • 6’38
  • 7’25
  • 8’27
  • 9’44
  • 11’41
  • 12’36
  • 14’51

© IRCAM Creative Commons License
This documentation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Version documentation creation date: 11 mars 2023 13:48, update date: 20 mai 2024 16:27