Ryoji Ikeda (1966)
matrix [for acoustic dislocation] (2000)
sound installation
electronic work
- General information
Composition date:
- Cycle: matrix
Composition date:
- Type
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments [Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments]
Premiere information
1 January 2000
Location:Royaume-Uni, Londres, The Millenium Dome, "The Mind Zone".
Information on the electronics
Electronic device: sons fixés sur support
- Matériel utilisé : 16 haut-parleurs meyer hm-1, 4 sub-woofer meyer usw-1p, 1 système de retour hd 16 canaux, 1 disque de données hd master.
- Design de l'espace : Zaha Hadid.
- Cycle matrix : .matrix, matrix [for acoustic dislocation], matrix [for anechoic room], matrix [for rooms], matrix [for container], matrix [for theater], matrix [5ch version].
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