Toshio Hosokawa (1955)

Autumn Wind (2011)

pour shakuhachi et orchestre

  • Informations générales
    • Date de composition : 2011
    • Durée : 14 mn
    • Éditeur : Schott
    • Commande : MITO Settembre Musica 2011
Effectif détaillé
  • soliste : flûte shakuhachi
  • 2 flûtes (aussi 1 flûte piccolo), 2 hautbois (aussi 1 cor anglais), 2 clarinettes (aussi 1 clarinette basse), 2 bassons, 4 cors, 2 trompettes, 2 trombones, tuba, 2 percussionnistes, harpe, cordes

Information sur la création

  • Date : 11 septembre 2011
    Lieu :

    Italie, Turin

    Interprètes :

    la Filarmonica ‘900, direction : Daniel Kawka.


version orchestrale de Voyage X

Note de programme

This work was commissioned by MITO SettembreMusica for the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Italy. In spite of its simple shape, the shakuhachi has a wide range of expression : it can make both a violent and a graceful sound. The shakuhachi represents a human being, while the orchestra can be taken as the universe and nature existing within and without the human figure. A song of a human being is connected with the root of nature more and more deeply through the dialogue between the shakuhachi and the orchestra. 

Toshio Hosokawa.