informations générales

date de composition
10 min
Suvini Zerboni


Musique instrumentale d'ensemble (Orchestre type "bois par 2")

effectif détaillé

cor anglais, 2 percussionnistes, flûte piccolo, 2 trompettes, 2 cors, 2 bassons, 2 clarinettes, hautbois, flûte, célesta, 8 violons, 6 violons II, 4 altos, 4 violoncelles, 2 contrebasses [cordes minimum], harpe, 3 timbales

informations sur la création

14 septembre 2011

Corée du Sud, Séoul, Art Center


l'Ensemble TIMF, direction : Soo-Yeoul Choi.

Note de programme

The piece takes inspiration from geometry. In real world we think that there is only a shortest path to go from a place to another. In advanced geometry this has been proved to be false: depending on some rules, it is possible to define many ways to have shortest paths between places. These paths are called distances and an important measure of distance is the Manhattan one. Using this type of distance, there are always at least two paths connecting two places.

This piece tries to create a musical equivalent of a place in which is defined the Manhattan geometry: here it’s always possible to have two ways to go to a place, two solutions to a problem.

Formally, the piece is organized into two sections that represent the paths connecting two places: each section is the musical development of such ideas.

There is not a single way to view reality: this piece tries to enforce the idea that is always possible to find at least two different perspectives on things.

Carmine-Emanuele Cella.

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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

heures d'ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche

accès en transports

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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