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flute, clarinet, cello, trombone, accordion, percussionist, electronic/MIDI keyboard/synthesizer
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
592.2 Ko
max patch
2.21 Go
reaper session for sound files and midi triggering
1.05 Go
"Paris qui dort", is a piece written by Yan Maresz for 6 instruments and live electronics on the silent movie "Paris qui dort" by René Clair.
It was created in Auditorium du Louvre on June 2005 (ensemble court-circuit, direction Jean Deroyer, musical assistant Benoit Meudic).
Copy the folder _PQD-2021-Max on your hard disk.
Launch max8, and select this folder (and only this one) in the 'file preferences' menu.
Open the file parisquidort2021.maxpat in max.
Open the file _PQD-2021-Reaper-210529 in reaper.
There are 6 inputs: flute (fl), clarinet (cl), cello (vc), trombone (tbn), percussion (perc) and accordeon (acc).
There are 4 outputs for live electronics: dac 1..4 for loudspeakers 1, 2, 3 and 4
Your audio interface should be connected to the timecode output of the DCP server so as to synchronize the start of the reaper session with the start of the movie.
To initialize the patch:
Configure midi devices (reaper, audio device receiving timecode and optionaly mixing midi device)
Save the main patch. The configurations will be saved even if you quit max.
If you load the patch again, you will only have to load the sfiles in the 'config patch' window.
The controler numbers used to control the mix in reaper can be seen in the max window 'reaper-midi':
The Dsp should be automatically set to sr 48kHz, IOvs 256 and svs 64.
The first time you use max8, before turning on the dac, you should choose the correct audio driver in the dsp window.
Reaper is used to play the soundfiles, the click-track and the midi virtual instruments.
The 4 first outputs are for for loudspeakers 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the fifth output is for click-track.
In the reaper midi preference window, enable the max midi devices so that reaper can receive and send midi from max:
Configure the actions so that you control the gain of the main audio, click and midi tracks from max.
Configure the 'transport play' action so that reaper plays when receiving a value of controler 19 from Max.
Initialise the max8 patch, turn the dac on.
Rewind Reaper
Start the DSP movie.
When the time-code is positioned at (or superior to) 0 0 5 7 max8 should order the reaper session to play.
Levels of main treatments should be mixed in real time. Try to make both electronics and amplified sound as homogeneous as possible.
Benoit Meudic, May 2021
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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche
Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles
Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique
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