The setup and the execution of the electroacoustic part of this work requires a Computer Music Designer (Max expert).

Version Information

Performance date
6 juillet 2019
Documentation date
22 juillet 2019
Creation Aix en Provence
Validation date
17 décembre 2019
Augustin Muller (
  • Augustin Muller (Computer Music Designer)
  • Adam Maor (Composer)
  • Serge Lacourt (Sound engineer)
1h 10 min
Upgrade motivation
Creation Version. Festival d'Aix en Provence - Théâtre du Jeu de Paume
United Instruments of Lucilin. Cond. Elena Schwartz.
Keyboard Player : Pascal Meyer
tested and validated by Pascal Meyer

No other versions

Detailed Staff

Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to for correction.

Electronic Equipment List

Computer Music Equipment

1 MIDI controller
MIDI Controllers (generic) - Korg Nano Kontrol was used
1 MIDI Keyboard
MIDI Keyboard (generic) - 88 keys with pgm change, sustain, expression pedal, modwheel and pitchbend
1 iPad
Tablets (Apple) - with lemur, for monitoring
1 Retina
Apple Laptops (Apple) - With Live 10.1 & Max 8
1 Fireface 802
Sound Board (RME) - 6 outputs
1 MIDI interface
MIDI Interfaces (generic) - to connext the keyboard and the controller

Audio Equipment

6 Loudspeaker
Loudspeakers (generic) - 3 layers of stereo.



A Muller


Live 10.1 session with everything

1.64 Go

SL1000 checklist

A Muller


quick checklist

1.7 Mo



for ipad

7.94 Ko


Les Mille Endormis - Documentation (2019)

Audio Config

  • 6 audio outputs : 1-2 stereo Pit, 3-4 stereo Front, 5-6 Stereo Backstage

  • 0 audio inputs

System installation

Les Mille Endormis electronic part consist in a Live 10.1 session using Max For Live devices. Max 8 is mandatory (mc.~ usage)


Just open the live session. Enerything is there. Setting was FS: 44100, IO Buffer : 512. ( Should be ok @ 48k !)


  • Keyboard:

    • channel 1

    • Modwheel on Ctl 1

    • Expression Pedal on Ctl 7

  • Nanokontrol

    • on channel 16


For Lemur, just install the provided project. Connexion in usb was used. The ipad is used for monitoring only.


For the spare, a special routing was made in the iconnect, to send both the kehboard and the nanokontrol out of the midi din 1

System calibration and tests

Set the levels of the different pair of loudspeaker such as the presence in the pit is comparable to an instrument. The front (face) lvl should be balanced with the pit. For the backstage, try to find a position of speakers that renders an effect of depth but still with correct coverage. In Jeu de Paume, 2 pairs of speakers were used for this layer, one hanged from the top, the other on stands. Beware of the level as this is close to the singers.

Initialization routine

See quick checklist provided for the total setup. Once everything is connected :

  • Check soundcard

  • Launch Lemur Daemon and connect (i0/o0, o0/i0)

  • Launch the live session

    • check preferences (IO devices & Midi)

    • check every pgm

Session presentation

  • The session is organized in the mixer view (no use of the time line)

  • The physical midi input goes in the first track (Input-Monitor).

  • The physical audio outputs come from the return tracks (no use of the master track)

The volume pedal of the keyboard controls the volume of the first 3 stereo outputs return tracks (A B C, keyboards). The files go in the same physical outputs but without volume control (D E F). G H I are used for effects. J K L are the last outputs for effects and optional direct outs. The order is always the same :

  • 1-2 => Pit

  • 3-4 => Face

  • 5-6 => Backstage

Each group gathers the tracks composing a program. The levels of the tracks can be set by the player to adjust balance between programs.

The NanoKontrol provides access to effects applied to the outputs A B & C (keyboards) :

  • filter (freq and reso)

  • granulation (chance / freq /drywet)

It enables also some effect sends added to the outputs :

  • reverb

  • pitched delay

  • freqshift (drywet)

Midi Interface

  • Keyboard:

    • channel 1

    • Modwheel on Ctl 1

    • Expression Pedal on Ctl 7

  • Nanokontrol

    • on channel 16

In Live prefs, the keyboard, Nano Kontrol & Lemur must be enabled in “track” and “remote”. See checlist for an screenshit of the midi prefs.

Performance notes

General : Les Mille Endormis features 3 main strategies for electronics :

  • Keyboard Sounds

    • Mostly play in the pit

    • quasi-instrumental sounds

    • mixed with the instruments

  • Textures (shin_fant, synth …)

    • more diffuse in the space

    • synthetic sounds

    • modified with the nanokontrol (gran, filter …)

  • Soundfiles

    • more in the backstage

    • triggered with no live control on the volume or color

The levels of soundfiles have to be set in the test phase then are not modified during the performance.

See the score for details.

The Opera is lightly amplified. All singers and instruments are equipped with microphones.

As acoustic balance is achievable, light amplification of the instruments is necessary for effect and blending, and the voice of the bass singer must be at some times (sc 8 …) reinforced in the backstage speakers to give a low, cavernous voice impression.

Here a view of th pit. Notive the placement of the Right speakers at the height of the keyboardist. The other one is on the floor next to the accordeon.

Updated at

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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

heures d'ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche

accès en transports

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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