The setup and the execution of the electroacoustic part of this work requires a Computer Music Designer (Max expert).

Version Information

Performance date
5 octobre 2010
Documentation date
4 octobre 2010
Validation date
3 mai 2018
  • Sylvain Cadars (Sound engineer)
  • Serge Lemouton (Computer Music Designer)
  • Michael Jarrell (Composer)
This intermediary version uses both WFS and Ircam Spat, in order to make a soft transition to a version that doesn't require WFS.

Other Versions

Forked musica-20105 décembre 2022

Premiere3 juin 2010

Detailed Staff

narrator, solo soprano, solo mezzo-soprano, solo contralto

6 percussionists

Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to for correction.

Electronic Equipment List

Computer Music Equipment

1 Fireface 800
Sound Board (RME)
1 BCF 2000
MIDI Mixer (Behringer)
2 Footswitch / Sustain Pedal
Footswitch / Sustain Pedal (generic) - for percussionists 1 and 6
1 Max 5
Max (Cycling74) - 5.2
1 MacBook Pro
Apple Laptops (Apple) - OSX 10.6

Audio Equipment

9 Headset
Headset (generic) - for the clicktrack
4 Loudspeaker
Loudspeakers (generic) - around the audience - for spatialization
1 subwoofer
Subwoofers (generic)
32 PMX5 ES
Loudspeakers (Amadeus)
32 PMX5 A
Active Monitors (Amadeus)
1 Ethersound converters
Ethersound Converters (Auvitran)



All the soundfiles required for the performance

1.1 Go

321.62 Mo

frederic Prin


hall setup

2.46 Mo

Markus Noisternig


Max object and abstractions to control the WFS system

6.66 Mo



maquette, only for preparation of the show, do not distribute !

550.84 Mo

LePere Karaoke


Maquette for preparation, without the actor part

541.77 Mo


Audio setup


The singers and the instruments are amplified.

Special care should be taken on the amplification of the speaker, his voice should sound as natural and intelligible as possible

No live transformations : the max patch is used to trigger and spatialize sound files, audio sequences and samples.

The max patch is also generating the clicktrack used to synchronize the musicians.

This version use two different spatialization systems :

  • the original WFS rendering used for the premiere
  • a more conventional quadriphonic spatialisateur
8 different and independant sound sources are sent in parallel to both spatialisateurs.

These two spatialisation methods can be compared but during the performance you have to choose one or the other (see the midi mixer instructions, below).


Loudspeakers setup

A WaveField Synthesis system located in front of the audience (64 loudspeakers + 2 sub) is used to place 8 virtual sources in the theatre space.

In the first movement, these sources are generally located on stage, on fix positions

In the third movement the virtual focused sources are moving into the audience.

Midi setup

To trigger the soundfiles, 2 pedals are required, one operated by percussionist 1 and the other (most important) by number 6.

Software installation

File preferences :

Copy to your hard disk the following folders:

  • le_pere-WFS
  • le_pere_sounds
  • Le_pere-msp
  • le_pere-samplers

Start MaxMSP5.1

Set the file preferences to :

  • le_pere-WFS
  • le_pere_sounds
  • Le_pere-msp/lepere-lib

DSP Status :

Overdrive should be On (scheduler NOT in audio interrupt)

The patch runs at the 44.1 kHz sampling rate.

Initialization routine

Open the "DerVater_WFS_musica" patch.

To start the WFS system, select the SchwetzingenSquare_10m filter configuration in the menu, then "START !"

Open the patch DerVater34-musica.maxpat

It might be necessary to modify the sampling presets pathes in the "patcher sampler".

(Note : This is corrected in latest versions (>=2.27)  of the external object, by using the read method.)

Check list (before the concert)

Check the midi pedals of percussionists 1 and 6.

Check the click tracks in every ear monitors.

Performance notes

Before the beginning of the piece, select the first antescofo score lepere1a.asco.txt in the "score-chooser" menu, then press the start message.

At the first curtain : press the play message on the main max patch. This will trigger the first section click track.

All the sections are loaded automatically, by clicktrack sequencing or by pedal triggering.

Midi Mixer

A midi mixer is used to mix different layers of the electroacoustic and to control sound spatialization.

8 faders are used :

  1. spat_lvl : level of the quadriphonic spatialisateur
  2. wfs_lvl : level of sources 1-4 sent to the WFS spatialisateur
  3. wfs2_lvl : level of sources 5-8 sent to the WFS spatialisateur
  4. surround_lvl : level of a mono mix of the electronic, that can be sent to an external reverberation (optionnal)
  5. Az1 = azimuth of source 1
  6. El1 = elevation of source 1
  7. Az9 = azimuth of source 1
  8. Az9 = elevation of source 1



  1. lepere1a : click track - mes 1-160
  2. lepere1b : pedals - mes 165-247
  3. lepere2a : pedals - mes 1-95
  4. lepere2b : clic track - mes 104-210
  5. lepere2c : pedals - mes 212-266
  6. lepere3a : pedals - mes 1-169
  7. lepere3b : pedals - mes177-216

Maquette chapter list

Mouvement I    
1 Introduction ms. 1 02:46
2 0.“un père mort” ms. 55 01:03
3 0.“l’herbe” ms. 72 01:59
4 1.“bruits de voix” ms. 104 03:13
5 chapitre 2 ms. 165 03:17
6 chapitre 1 : ”1933” ms. 195 01:34
7 chapitre 3 ms.196 04:24
8 Interlude ms.247 03:07
Mouvement II    
9 chapitre 4 ms. 1 02:49
10 chapitre 5 ms. 61 04:05
11 chapitre 6 ms. 105 03:41
12 chapitre 7 ms. 212 03:45
13 Interlude ms. 266 02:52
Mouvement III    
14 chapitre 8 ms. 1 03:03
15 chapitre 9 ms. 37 06:30
16 chapitre 10 ms. 144 06:18

Soundfiles list

This is the list of all the soundfiles played directly from the hard disk.

 coll syntax :

  • event name
  • soundfile name
  • Left channel audio output
  • R channel audio output
  • level (in dB)
  • transposition
  event name soundfile L R level transp
  coup_sec_fff_aigu-02A coup_sec_fff_aigu-02.aif 1 0 -4 1.
2 coup_sec_fff_aigu-02B coup_sec_fff_aigu-02.aif 2 0 -4 1.
3 coup_sec_fff_aigu-02C coup_sec_fff_aigu-02.aif 3 0 -4 1.
4 coup_sec_fff_aigu-02D coup_sec_fff_aigu-02.aif 4 0 -6 1.
5 attack_1001.aif attack_1001.aif 1 3 2 1.
6 rev_1001 rev_1001.aif 2 4 2 1.
7 mes_1001.aif mes_1001.aif 1 3 2 1.
8 mes_1003.aif mes_1003.aif 2 3 2 1.
9 mes_1003b mes_1003b.aif 7 8 -8 1.
10 mes_1007.aif mes_1007.aif 3 4 2 1.
11 mes_1010 mes_1010.aif 4 5 -5 1.
12 mes_1012 mes_1012.aif 1 2 0 1.
13 mes_1050 mes_1050.aif 3 4 0 1.
14 mes_1060 mes_1060.aif 5 6 4 1.
15 voix_1060 voix_1060.aif 1 2 -15 1.
16 mes_1067 mes_1067.aif 7 8 5 1.
17 mes_1068 mes_1068.aif 3 4 5 1.
18 mes_1069 mes_1069.aif 5 6 5 1.
19 mes_1070 mes_1070.aif 4 3 5 1.
20 mes_1074 mes_1074.aif 7 8 4 1.
21 mes_1075 mes_1075.aif 2 3 2 1.
22 mes_1076 mes_1076.aif 3 4 0 1.
23 mes_1077 mes_1077.aif 5 6 4 1.
24 mi_1077 mi_1077.aif 1 2 0 1.
25 mes_1079 mes_1079.aif 3 4 0 1.
26 mes_1083 mes_1083.aif 2 3 2 1.
27 mes_1084 mes_1084.aif 3 4 2 1.
28 mes_1087 mes_1087.aif 5 6 2 1.
29 mes_1089.aif mes_1089.aif 1 2 2 1.
30 mes_1089_1 mes_1089_1.aif 2 3 0 1.
31 mes_1089_2 mes_1089_2.aif 3 4 2 1.
32 mes_1094.aif mes_1094.aif 4 5 -1 1.
33 mes_1094_2 mes_1094_2.aif 7 8 -2 1.
34 mes_1094_3 mes_1094_3.aif 2 3 -7 1.
35 mes_1100.aif mes_1100.aif 3 4 0 1.
36 mes_1103.aif mes_1103.aif 5 6 -1 1.
37 mes_1104 mes_1104.aif 1 2 2 1.
38 mes_1105 mes_1105.aif 3 4 2 1.
39 mes_1106 mes_1106.aif 5 6 2 1.
40 mes_1107 mes_1107.aif 1 2 2 1.
41 mes_1111 mes_1111.aif 4 5 2 1.
42 mes_1117 mes_1117.aif 1 2 2 1.
43 mes_1128 mes_1128.aif 5 6 -3 1.
44 mes_1131 mes_1131.aif 1 2 -3 1.
45 mes_1139 mes_1139.aif 4 3 4 1.
46 mes_1139+ mes_1139-newnew.aif 4 5 4 1.
47 mes_1144 mes_1144.aif 5 6 4 1.
48 mes_1148 mes_1148.aif 7 8 4 1.
49 mes_1160 mes_1160.aif 5 6 2 1.
50 165a_A 165a_A.aif 1 0 -1 1.
51 165a_B 165a_B.aif 2 0 -2 1.
52 165a_C 165a_C.aif 3 0 -2 1.
53 165_1+2 mes165-1+2.aif 4 5 -4 1.
54 165b_A 165b_A.aif 6 0 -4 1.
55 165b_B 165b_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
56 166a_B 166a_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
57 166a_C 166a_C.aif 3 0 -4 1.
58 166a_1+2 mes166a-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
59 166a_3+4 mes166a-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
60 166a_5+6 mes166a-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
61 166b_A 166b_A.aif 4 0 -4 1.
62 166b_B 166b_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
63 166b_C 166b_C.aif 3 0 -4 1.
64 166c_A 166c_A.aif 1 0 -4 1.
65 166c_C 166c_C.aif 3 0 -4 1.
66 166d_A 166d_A.aif 1 0 -4 1.
67 166d_B 166d_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
68 166d_C 166d_C.aif 3 0 -4 1.
69 166e_3+4 mes166e-3+4.aif 3 4 0 1.
70 166e_5+6 mes166e-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
71 166f_5+6 mes166f-5+6.aif 6 5 -4 1.
72 167a_A 167a_A.aif 1 0 -4 1.
73 167a_1+2 mes167a-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
74 167a_3+4 mes167a-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
75 167a_5+6 mes167a-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
76 167b_A 167b_A.aif 1 0 -4 1.
77 167b_B 167b_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
78 167b_C 167b_C.aif 3 0 -4 1.
79 167c_A 167c_A.aif 1 0 -4 1.
80 167c_B 167c_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
81 167d_B 167d_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
82 167d_1+2 mes167d-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
83 167d_3+4 mes167d-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
84 167d_5+6 mes167d-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
85 167e_1+2 mes167e-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
86 167e_3+4 mes167e-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
87 167e_5+6 mes167e-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
88 167e_A 167e_A.aif 5 0 -4 1.
89 167e_C 167e_C.aif 3 0 -4 1.
90 168a_A 168a_A.aif 1 0 -4 1.
91 168a_B 168a_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
92 168a_C 168a_C.aif 3 0 -4 1.
93 168_3+4 mes168-3+4.aif 3 0 -4 1.
94 168_5+6 mes168-5+6.aif 3 0 -4 1.
95 168e_1+2 mes168e-1+2.aif 3 0 -4 1.
96 169a_A 169a_A.aif 1 0 7 1.
97 169a_B 169a_B.aif 2 0 7 1.
98 169a_1+2 mes169a-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
99 169a_3+4 mes169a-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
100 169a_5+6 mes169a-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
101 169b_1+2 mes169b-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
102 169b_3+4 mes169b-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
103 169b_5+6 mes169b-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
104 169b_A 169b_A.aif 1 0 -4 1.
105 169b_B 169b_B.aif 2 0 -4 1.
106 170a 170.aif 1 0 -4 1.
107 170_1+2 mes170-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
108 170_3+4 mes170-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
109 170_5+6 mes170-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
110 172a_1+2 mes172a-1+2.aif 1 2 -3 1.
111 172a_3+4 mes172a-3+4.aif 3 4 -3 1.
112 172b_1+2 mes172b-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
113 172b_3+4 mes172b-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
114 172c_1+2 mes172c-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
115 172c_3+4 mes172c-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
116 172c_5+6 mes172c-5+6.aif 5 6 -4 1.
117 173a_1+2 mes173a-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
118 173a_3+4 mes173a-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
119 173b_1+2 mes173b-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
120 173b_3+4 mes173b-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
121 174_1+2 mes174-1+2.aif 1 2 -4 1.
122 174_3+4 mes174-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
123 175_3+4 mes175-3+4.aif 3 4 -4 1.
124 mes_1197b mes_1197b.aif 3 4 4 1.
125 mes_1198 mes_1199.aif 5 6 7 1.
126 mes_1201 mes_1201.aif 1 2 5 1.
127 mes_1204 mes_1204.aif 3 4 5 1.
128 mes_1205 mes_1205.aif 5 6 0 1.
129 mes_1209 mes_1209.aif 1 2 4 1.
130 mes_1212 mes_1212.aif 3 4 2 1.
131 mes_1220 mes_1220.aif 5 6 7 1.
132 mes_1224 mes_1224.aif 1 2 0 1.
133 mes_1231 mes_1231.aif 3 4 3 1.
134 mes_1231b mes_1231b.aif 1 2 -6 1.
135 mes_1247 mes_1247bis.aif 5 6 -3 1.
136 mes_1247b mes_1247bis.aif 1 2 -3 1.
137 interlude1-drones interlude1-drones.aif 5 6 -3 1.
138 interlude1-rebonds interlude1-rebonds.aif 1 2 -3 1.
139 mes_2002 mes_2002.aif 1 2 -4 1.
140 2002a_1+2 mes2002a-1+2.aif 5 6 -4 1.
141 2002a_3+4 mes2002a-3.aif 3 0 -4 1.
142 2002b_1+2 mes2002b-1+2.aif 5 6 -4 1.
143 2002c_1+2 mes2002c-1+2.aif 5 6 -4 1.
144 2002c_3+4 mes2002c-3.aif 3 0 -4 1.
145 2002d_1+2 mes2002d-1+2.aif 5 6 -4 1.
146 2003_1+2 mes2003-1+2.aif 5 6 -4 1.
147 2003_3+4 mes2003-3.aif 3 0 0 1.
148 mes_2008 mes_2008.aif 1 2 -4 1.
149 mes_2008b mes_2008b.aif 5 6 -4 1.
150 mes_2013 mes_2013.aif 5 6 -12 1.
151 mes_2021 mes_2021.aif 1 2 0 1.
152 mes_2021b mes_2021b.aif 5 6 -5 1.
153 2028_ voixSolo2001.aiff 1 2 -2 0.89
154 mes_2030 mes_2030.aif 5 6 -2 1.
155 mes_2039 mes_2039.aif 1 2 2 1.
156 mes_2042 mes_2042.aif 1 2 2 1.
157 mes_2048 mes_2048.aif 6 1 2 1.
158 mes_2050 mes_2050.aif 3 4 2 1.
159 mes_2063 mes_2063.aif 5 6 5 1.
160 mes_2073 mes_2073new.aif 5 6 -11 1.
161 mes_2073b mes_2073b.aif 1 2 -3 1.
162 mes_2081 mes_2081new.aif 5 6 -11 1.
163 mes_2081b mes_2081b.aif 3 4 -5 1.
164 mes_2090 mes_2090.aif 4 0 -5 1.
165 mes_2090b mes_2090b.aif 1 2 -8 1.
166 mes_2096 mes_2096.aif 5 6 3 1.
167 mes_2178 mes_2178.aif 3 4 -5 1.
168 mes_2180 mes_2180.aif 1 2 0 1.
169 mes_2190 mes_2190.aif 5 6 -3 1.
170 mes_2212 mes_2212.aif 3 4 4 1.
171 mes_2212-2216 mes_2212-2216.aif 5 6 -8 1.
172 mes_2216 mes_2216.aif 3 4 0 1.
173 mes_2229 mes_2229.aif 1 2 2 1.
174 mes_2261 mes_2261.aif 3 4 -4 1.
175 mes_2263 mes_2263.aif 5 6 -2 1.
176 mes_2266 mes_2266.aif 1 2 0 1.
177 mes_2266short mes_2266short.aif 1 2 0 1.
178 mes_2266b mes_2266short.aif 5 6 0 1.
179 interlude2-one interlude2-one.aif 1 2 0 1.
180 interlude2-two interlude2-two.aif 5 6 0 1.
181 mes_3009 mes_3009.aif 1 2 -4 1.
182 mes_3010 mes_3010.aif 2 3 -4 1.
183 mes_3014 mes_3014.aif 3 4 -4 1.
184 mes_3028 mes_3028.aif 1 2 3 1.
185 mes_3029 mes_3029.aif 3 0 -6 1.
186 mes_3030b mes_3030b.aif 1 2 0 1.
187 mes_3033 mes_3033.aif 3 4 -4 1.
188 mes_3037 mes_3037.aif 1 0 -4 1.
189 mes_3037-3041 mes_3037-3041.aif 1 2 -4 1.
190 mes_3043 mes_3043.aif 5 6 0 1.
191 mes_3045 mes_3045.aif 1 2 -4 1.
192 mes_3045b mes_3045b.aif 3 4 -12 1.
193 mes_3050 mes_3050.aif 1 0 0 1.
194 mes_3053 mes_3053.aif 3 4 0 1.
195 mes_3062 mes_3062.aif 1 2 0 1.
196 mes_3100 mes_3100.aif 3 4 -6 1.
197 mes_3103 mes_3103.aif 5 6 -6 1.
198 mes_3110 mes_3110.aif 1 2 0 1.
199 mes_3142 mes_3142new.aif 1 2 -4 1.
200 mes_3145 mes_3145.aif 4 5 2 1.
201 mes_3146 mes_3146.aif 5 6 -4 1.
202 mes_3147 mes_3147.aif 6 3 -2 1.
203 mes_3148 mes_3148.aif 1 2 -2 1.
204 mes_3149 mes_3149.aif 2 3 0 1.
205 mes_3152 mes_3152.aif 3 4 -2 1.
206 mes_3153 mes_3153.aif 4 5 -2 1.
207 mes_3154 mes_3154.aif 5 6 0 1.
208 mes_3155 mes_3155.aif 6 1 -2 1.
209 mes_3165 mes_3165.aif 2 3 -2 1.
210 mes_3187 mes_3187.aif 1 2 -5 1.
211 mes_3188 mes_3188.aif 5 6 -5 1.


Updated at

Vous constatez une erreur ?


1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

heures d'ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche

accès en transports

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

Copyright © 2022 Ircam. All rights reserved.