1. Audio setup
2. Loudspeaker setup
The global system consists in:
- PA System: 1 stereo system type L-Acoustics or equivalent. It must installed by a professional PA company so the design is adjusted to the venue for the best coverage in the public area.
- Surround: a set of speakers placed around the audience and technically able to cover the audience area (the blue loudspeakers in the following plan). 6 loudspeakers minimum are needed. According to the venue, some extra loudspeakers could be needed in order to cover the audience area. Ideally it would be a 12 inches point source speakers (L-acoustics X12 or D&B E12).
Beware that amplification, EQ and Delay must be independent for each speaker.
- Subwoofers: a subwoofer system, to cover the low frequencies of the PA system.
In addition to this setup, a speaker complement could be needed in case of particular acoustics conditions (f.ex front fill, extra-speakers on balconies). These choices have to be discussed with IRCAM Sound Engineer
- a clicktrack system must be setup for the conductor. A clicktrack file is provided with the electronics sound files and can be output on a dedicated channel.
3. Midi setup
no midi needed
4. Session setup
import the 6 audio tracks + click track into a DAW.
1-2 front LR
3-4 side LR
5-6 rear LR
Adjust the level of the 6 tracks during the concert to balance it out with the choir. very light amplification of the choir is recommended for the pre-recorded sounds to fuse nicely with the live sound.
there is a 4 beat count off in the clicktrack.