Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to for correction.
Compatible Max 6.1+
1.75 Go
Only mono input is required : the sound coming from the violin microphone.
This piece uses 4 loudspeakers in a vertical column, and in the middle of the stage.
The Loudspeaker setup and their mapping to Max (through console and soundcard) should follow these configurations:
The four speakers can be mounted on a subwoofer facing the public. Subwoofer routing is to be taken care of on the mixing console. See pictures below:
During performance, automatic actions (triggered by the computer musician) will open and close specific effects. Levels for each effect can be controlled during live performance using a BCF2000 MIDI Interface (or similar). The BCF2000 interface should be setup to send and receive controls. BCF2000 controls will be then visualized on the Relative Fader window of the Max Patch.
The MIDI Hardware faders should be configured (and tagged) to reflect the following mapping of parameters:
**Controller Name** | **Control + Channel** | **Notes** |
MAIN | 7 9 | General output |
Violin | 7 10 | General Violin input |
Spat1 | 7 1 | Post |
Spat2 | 7 2 | |
Spat3 | 7 3 | |
SD1 | 7 4 | Spectral Delay, PRE |
SD2 | 7 5 | |
BUFFERS | 7 6 | General Buffer Posts |
HARM | 7 7 | General Harmonizer post |
SVPs | 7 8 | Soundfile Playback (DSP2) |
DEL POST | 7 12 | Delays post |
DEL IN | 7 11 | Delays Input |
The computer music performer action during a performance is as follows: Triggering of Actions with the violinist according to the annotated score (in the HistWhist-PDF-Scores folder). Triggering of actions can be done using the _Upper Arrow Key _on the keyboard. On top of this, the computer music performer is responsible for live mixing of effects and sounds on the BCF2000 MIDI Interface (or similar). The PDF scores contain minimal description of active effects on each action that should be controlled on the MIDI Interface.
For example: The score excerpt above (from the beginning of movement 4) indicates triggering an event on the first Eb5 from violin. Th event name is e2001 (that will be visualized in the AntescofoWindow. Additionally, it indicates to the computer music performer that buf1 (Buffer 1) is active, and Harms (harmonizers) are automatically moving. This means that for live mixing, the computer music performer can focus on associated Faders. Additionally, after e2004, the performer is instructed that the Violin input is cut out automatically.
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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche
Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles
Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique
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