Germination is in two parts :
- A concert for ensemble and real-time electronics
- A vegetal and sonic installation
Stage Setup
For this version, we used 8 speakers around the audience, and 2 speakers in the corridor, used at the end of the piece, to invite audience to go outside.
Max Patch Presentation
Copy content of GerminationConcert-WROCLAW-2016.dmg to a folder on your hard disk.
Start Max7 in 32 bit.
Set the Audio Status as follows:
- IOVS = 256,
- VS = 64,
- Overdrive on,
- Sampling Rate = 44100.
Use RME Audio loopback to receive audio from Live Output 21, 22, 23, 24, into Max inputs 21, 22, 23, 24.
Set file preferences to the folder Concert-sounds
Open the GerminationProject/GerminationProject.maxproj.
Press the "start" button.
Put DSP on.
Press the "reload" button to load the antescofo score where all the actions are coded.
Pressing the "tab" key to step through the electronic score events. During the performance these cues are triggered by the MIDI keyboard.
Last 2 events are triggerd manually.
Last one is triggered before the end of applause.
To invite people to go outside, open gradually audio in dac9&10 (speakers placed inside corridors) using fader 5.
Live Patch Presentation
Start Ableton Live 9.5
In Live Preferences:
- Set Midi input Ports "from Max 1": track On, and Remote On
- Set Midi output Ports "to Max 1": track On
During performance, the last two (manual) events trigger respectively in the Live Session:
- the "spirale fin" marker
- the "applause" marker .
Audio from Live is sent to Max using RME loopbacks.
Midi automations are sent from Live to Max to control the audio spatialization from Live
6 instruments are transformed in real time :
- Flute
- Clarinet 1
- Clarinet 2
- Trumpet
- Horn
- Unused
- Unused
- Contrebass
(inputs 21, 22, 23, 24, are audio from Live, using RME loopback)
Midi Setup
4 faders of The Midi mixer are used to control, during the performance, the following levels:
- "input" (CC 1)
- "sampler" (CC 2)
- "spat" (CC 3)
- "hoa" (CC 4)
- "dac9&10" (CC5) (audio volume for corridors)
- "sf" (CC6) (sound files volume)
Vegetal and sound installation on the Stravinsky place, between the fontaire Niki de Saint Phalle and the Saint-Merri church.
Played 3 times during the festival ManiFeste 2013 : Saturday 8 june 2013, after the concert, then Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 june 2013 (night S1, S2 et S3).
Duration : 20 minutes.
The sound part of the installation requires 50 mp3 players :
- 13 mp3 player with HP, called A (players A01, A02, A03… A13).
- 37 smaller mp3 players with 37 littles HP, called B (players B01, B02, B03… B37).
Each players contains 1 mp3 file. File names are build as follows :
Germination + number of the night (S1, S2 et S3) + type (A, B)+number of the player (01, 02, 03…).
For exemple, during the night 1 (S1), the first mp3 player A (A01) contains the file "Germination_S1 S1_A01.mp3".
All the mp3 files start with a sound signal to check that all work fine, then approximately a 5 minutes silence before the start of the music.
All mp3 files are in the folder germination-installation-mp3.dmg. Uncompressed AIF version of the sound files are also archived.
Each person start 5 MP3 players (1 player A, 2 players B with odd number and 2 players with even number). This procedure required 10 people.
- Switch on the 4 little HP (B)
- Switch on 2 little players with odd number (B) (ex : B01, B03…) and check the sound signal.
- 5 secondes later, turn on 2 little players with even number (ex : B02, B04...) and check the sound signal.
- 5 seconds later, turn on the bigger player (A) (ex : A01…) and check the sound signal.
- Increase the volume of each player to the maximum
- Put the players at the right place
Where to put the players on the place
Players A and B should be located on the Stravinsky place following the plan :
On the place, the marks (cross, round) are marked with green painting
Players B are put on the round marks
Players A are put on its own cross mark, each player correspond to an instrument of the concert orchestra:
- flute
- clar 1
- clar 2
- horn
- trumpet
- percussion
- piano
- vl1
- vl2
- viola
- cello
- double bass
- synthesizer