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bass clarinet, percussionist, piano, violin, cello
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
5.89 Go
2.18 Mo
2.64 Go
Welcome to the great world of Ariadne.
Be careful about the particular stage setup of this piece.
In cause of this particular stage setup, loudspeakers should be adapted for each venue. You will need : a ring of loudspeaker and a “spot” of loudspeaker above the singer.
For the creation we had a ring of 10 loudspeakers and 4 loudspeakers above the singer.
Please adapt the ring of loudspeaker according to the size of the venue
Cello and Violin player have a MIDI pedal. They trigger events in both interludes.
List of faders you should play with (movements are written in the score)
MIDI number | OSC track number | Explicit name |
0 | /track/4 | sf_voix |
1 | /track/7 | fx_modem |
2 | /stereo/2 | fx_LNR |
3 | /stereo/3 | fx_crystallizer |
4 | /stereo/4 | fx_hugesynth |
5 | /stereo/7 | sf_scrubs |
6 | /stereo/13 | sf_bomb |
7 | /stereo/14 | sf_crotales |
8 | /stereo/15 | sf_grave |
9 | /stereo/16 | sf_radio |
10 | /stereo/19 | fx_transrev |
11 | /stereo/17 | sf_dummy |
12 | /stereo/1 | sf_dummy2 |
13 | /bus/7 | master couronne |
14 | /bus/2 | master transducer |
15 | /bus/8 | reverb |
16 (optionnal) | /track/12 | fx_disto |
Copy the folder _MAIN_ARIADNE_AZZAN into your desktop.
You will have to launch 2 separate Max applications at the same time :
Select Max 8 in your Applications folder
Duplicate it, and rename the first one Max, and the second one, Max2.
Then launch each one and select the whole _MAIN_ARIADNE_AZZAN folder into Files Preferences.
Close everything and launch ARIADNE_AZZAN.sh
Maybe you will have to refresh permissions for this script :
Copy ARIADNE_AZZAN.sh into your desktop
Launch a terminal and type the command : sudo chmod +x ~/Desktop/ARIADNE_AZZAN.sh
The electronic for the piano part is triggered by an autonomous system based on a Raspberry Pi.
The goal is to output sine waves into transducers. Triggers are made with MIDI pedal directly connected to the PI.
This system is called Sinegen Electronic Piano Kit and hosted at IRCAM.
In case of this box is lost, you will find hardware and software documentation in the sinegen_source_code to build it.
Overwise, just plug the box, connect an iPad to the sinegen WIFI network. The password is sinegen2020. Open Safari and type : sine.local
Then press the pedal and follow the score !
Every musician needs a timer to follow the score. They usually uses smartphones.
Everybody has to be connected to the same WIFI network (the network should cover all the venue)
Plug your computer into the WIFI router with a RJ45 cable.
To access the timer, musicians have to connect your computer IP:8080
Timer server start with the 1!INIT button.
The first time you launch the patch you should click on script npm install box into [p TIMER]
Nobody plays virtual instruments. 2 Transducers are put on them, they have a loudspeaker function.
[p ADC] is the input for Real Time electronic.
Please adjust the input level with the sound engineer according to the references.
Example : Violon : “please play the end of your interlude” —> the level has to reach the line.
[p DSP_MAIN] is the main matrix for sound files and real time electronic
[p DSP_TRANSDUCER] is the special processing for transducers
[p SCORE] host the antescofo score
[p SPAT] control the messages for Panoramix automations
[p CONFIG] is general configuration stuff
[p TIMER] is configuration for the timer
[p MIDI] is the midi configuration. Please see the specific section.
This is basically Panoramix.
Please refer to the official documentation.
You have to adjust Couronne_10 and HOA_reverb_14 bus according to your venue configuration.
2 instances should have the following settings : 44.1kHz / IO 256 / VS 256 / OVERDRIVE ON
Please adjust ADC input level (see below)
Please manually start the timer and check that it works with every musician.
Please manually check the Violin and Cello MIDI pedals.
You need to trigger all cues from the computer except for both interludes.
Updated at
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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43
Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche
Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles
Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique
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