- General information
Composition date:
- Duration: 11 mn
- Publisher: Peters, Londres, nº EP 7406
- Cycle: Nine Rivers VI
- Commission: Ville de Glasgow et Scottish Arts Council
Composition date:
- Type
- Instrumental ensemble music [Mixed instrumental ensemble of 10 to 25 instruments]
Detailed formation
- bass flute (also alto flute, piccolo, triangle), bassoon (also contrabassoon, crotales), 2 bass trombones (also 1 trombone), 2 percussionists, harp (also suspended bell), 2 violins (also rainstick, crotales), double bass (also suspended bell)
Premiere information
January 1991
Location:Royaume-Uni, Glasgow
Performers:l'ensemble Paragon, direction : David Davies.
Information on the electronics
Electronic device: temps réel