Roland Auzet (1964)
Mille orphelins (2011)
musical theater, for actor, children's choir and ensemble
electronic work
stage work
- General information
Composition date:
- Video, installation (detail, author): vidéo : Jordana Maurer et Giorgio Poloni
- Duration: 1 h 15 mn
Libretto (details, author):
Laurent Gaudé, Mille Orphelins éd. Actes Sud-Papier.
Composition date:
- Type
- Vocal music and instrument(s) [Choir(s) and ensemble of 10 to 25 instruments]
Detailed formation
- soloist: actor
- children's choir
- flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, trumpet, trombone, percussionist, guitar, electronic/MIDI keyboard/synthesizer, violin, second violin, viola, cello, double bass
Premiere information
28 April 2011
Location:France, Nanterre, les Amandiers
Performers:André Wilms, la maîtrise de Radio Franceet les solistes de l'Orchestre philharmonique de Radio France, direction : Sofi Jeannin, mise en scène : Roland Auzet.
Information on the electronics
RIM (réalisateur(s) en informatique musicale):
Arnaud Sallé
Electronic device: temps réel, dispositif multimédia (vidéo, lumière)