general information

composition date
10 min
Hips Road Edition


Concertant music (Piano and small ensemble up to 9 instruments)

detailed formation


drum, bass voice


Présentation de l’éditeur : A ballad for piano and improvising rhythm section of bass and drums inspired by the classic pre-surrealist masterpiece by Isidore-Lucien Ducasse (Comte de Lautréamont). "God grant that the listener, emboldened and having become at present as fierce as what he is hearing, find, without loss of bearings, his way, his wild and treacherous passage through the desolate swamps of these sombre, poison-soaked passages."

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1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

opening times

Monday through Friday 9:30am-7pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

subway access

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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