Olivier Pasquet
French composer of electronic music and computer music designer born 22 June 1974 in Meaux.
Olivier Pasquet is an electronic music composer, producer, and visual artist. His multidisciplinary work explores synesthesia, parametric composition, non-standard architecture, geometry, and algorithmic design. His work mainly takes the form of plastic installations and purely electronic music performed, and sometimes danced, in concert halls as well as in galleries, museums, and clubs.
After having taught himself computer music, Pasquet studied composition from 1996 to 1999 at the Anglia Polytechnic University of Cambridge with Richard Hoadley, Trevor Wishart, and Iannis Xenakis. After a brief period at Ina-GRM (Institut national de l’audiovisuel: Groupe de recherches musicales), he turned his attention to contemporary music and digital arts. He holds a doctorate in music composition from the University of Huddersfield and conducts research in non-standard architecture.
Pasquet has been with IRCAM for 18 years as a director in computer music. In this context, he has collaborated with artists such as Florian Hecker, Georges Aperghis, Pierre Boulez, Brice Pauset, William Forsythe, and Rand Steiger, among many others. These collaborations have led him to work for dance, opera, and musical and contemporary theater.
In 2006 with Andreas Breitscheid, he organized the European workshop in the software Max/MSP/Jitter at the Forum Neues Musiktheater in Stuttgart. Pasquet taught interactive art and computational design at the École Nationale des Arts Décoratifs from 2006 to 2010, and at the National Theatre of Strasbourg from 2007 to 2008. He has been awarded several prizes and residencies, including the Villa Médicis hors les murs, two Tokyo Wonder Site residencies, Arcadi, as well as residencies in Chile and Taiwan.
Between 2009 and 2012, he was a visiting scholar at the Universities of Tokyo, Keio and Buffalo. During this time, he began working at Sony Computer Science Laboratories and consulting at Ableton.
In 2017, Pasquet was awarded the Creative Arts Initiative grant from the University at Buffalo, which allowed him to design Lloyd’s Mirror, an in-situ generative installation specifically created for the buildings Martin House by Frank Lloyd Wright and Greatbatch Pavilion by Toshiko Mori. Pasquet worked concurrently at the National Taiwan University of the Arts. He was a part-time visiting professor at the Hochschule der Künste in Bern in 2018–2019 and at the University at Buffalo in 2019–2020. In 2021, he received the Facebook award for “Momentum of AI Creation.”
Pasquet is currently a research associate at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology in Zürich, where he is involved in the European research project FluCoMa.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2022
Site du compositeur ; Site du festival Musica ; Site de l’Université de Buffalo.
- Solo (excluding voice)
- elec ircam Damned for saxophone and live electronics (1999-2004), 16 mn
- 人形トビケラ for piano, music for a documentary by Minori Matsuoka (2012), 3 mn 40 s
- HPSCHD (titre temporaire) for harpsichord duo (2020), 20 mn
- Chamber music
- elec Morphallaxis for flute, percussion, cello and live electronics (2008), 15 mn
- elec rt60 (2020)
- 四條畷の戦い (四條畷之戰) - hpschd for two harpsichords (2020)
- elec Strom for saxophone, viola and live electronics (2022)
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- elec Les Quatre Temps Cardinaux for two voices, orchestra, vdieo and spatialized electronics (2011-2013), 55 mn
- A cappella vocal music
- elec ircam Joyeux Animaux de la Misère for voice and live electronics (2014), 1 h 10 mn
- elec Master Rock performance for three voices, performed in Cruachan Dam power station, Scotland (2015), 42 mn
- elec extreme occident-frozen for voice and electronics (2021), between 3 mn 41 s and 6 mn 12 s
- Electronic music / fixed media / mechanical musical instruments
- elec City of Flowers installation (2008), 25 mn
- elec strawberry electronic music (2008), maximum 10 mn
- elec arc I electronic music (2009), 20 mn
- elec Crossing the line sound and video installation (2009)
- elec ircam Häxan, la sorcellerie à travers les âges music for the silent film by Benjamin Christensen (Sweden, 1921) (2009), 1 h 45 mn, Inédit [program note]
- elec J-Design electronic music for the TV show J-Design (2009), 3 mn
- elec News from the Near Future electronic music for a video by Fiona Tan (2009), 9 mn
- elec Perforation I electronic music (2009), 27 mn
- elec Sound Agents installation (2009)
- elec Kaspar audiovisual installation (2010)
- elec M electronic music (2010), 12 mn
- elec Reflexion!? interactive audio visual installation (2010)
- elec Sound Exhibition sound installation (2010)
- elec stage Make No Noise electronic music for the opera Make No Noise by Tom Holloway (2011)
- elec ml electronic music for Tsui Shuang Lai dance performance (2011), 35 mn
- elec Seven interactive installation produced in collaboration with Thomas Goepfer and Robin Meier (2011)
- elec The Second Woman electronic music for the opera The Second Woman by Guilllaume Vincent (2011)
- elec La Nuit tombe electronic music for the play by Guillaume Vincent (2012), 1 h 40 mn
- elec stage Night: Light live electronic music for Alban Richard's dance performance (2012)
- elec Tu tiens sur tous les Fronts electronic music for the play directed by Roland Auzet (2012)
- elec stage Aucun Homme n'est une Île electronic music for the multimedia theater play directed by Roland Auzet (2013), 60 mn
- elec ircam Dessiner sur Papier installation in collaboration with Thorsten Streichardt (2013)
- elec Formahaut Γ installation (2013)
- elec Forma - HR 8799 installation (2014)
- elec formulation installation (2014), 30 mn
- elec Rib electronic music for the video Rib by Arlé Van Egmond (2014)
- elec stage Steve V (King Different) electronic music for musical theater performance (2014)
- elec VERFLUCHTE UNGMENGE – R136A1 electronic music for installation (2014)
- elec Formahaut ΓI video creation (2015), 6 mn
- elec ß Pictoris B electroacoustic composition, for 17 or 25 speakers (2015)
- elec Songes et Métamorphoses music for the play Songes et Métamorphoses by Guillaume Vincent (2016), 4 h 43 mn
- elec The Mystery of Picasso electronic music for a ciné-concert of Henri-Georges Clouzot's film Le Mystère de Picasso (2016), 1 h 10 mn
- elec The Nothing Seeking Answers Indivisible Streams sound installation (2016)
- elec HR 8800 performance (2017), 38 mn
- elec L'Atome Music for the play L'Atome by Julien Avril (2017), 2 h
- elec Wandering Set electronic music (2017), 47 mn
- elec Lions installation for lasers, mirrors, interference and audio (2018)
- elec Lloyd's Mirror generative mulimedia installation (2018)
- elec Proxima Centauri b generative video installation for 3 small 4K screens (2018)
- elec Shoppen electronic composition for the multimedia exhibition Shoppen Kannste Selber! (2018), 55 mn
- elec We carry On generative electronic music for the video We carry On by Guillaume Dimanche (2018)
- elec 595F44FEC1E92A71D3E electroacoustic composition made from rapid radio bursts (2019)
- elec Herbig-Haro generative sound installation for 12 or 24 loudspeakers (2019), 24 mn
- elec stage Le Reste vous le connaissez par le Cinéma music for the play by David Jeanneteau, based on the book by Martin Crimp (2019), 2 h 30 mn
- elec stage One Thousand and One Nights electronic composition for the play by Guillaume Vincent (2019), 4 h 30 mn
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom generative musical installation (2019)
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom II generative musical installation (2019)
- elec ircam Bacchantes electronic music for a sound fiction based on the text by Céline Minard (2020), 1 h 10 mn [program note]
- elec Deutschfieber electronic music (2020), 1 h 20 mn
- elec Dual Coronagraphs (mkII) generative sound and light installation for two projectors, smoke, and eight speakers (2018-2020)
- elec hd141943 & hd191089 electronic music (2020), 20 mn
- elec K2-18B generative electroacoustic music produced from exoplanet taxonomies (2020), 10 mn about
- elec Mollspeak electroacoustic music for installation (2020)
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom III generative musical installation (2020)
- elec stage das giftige chamäleon I musical theater (2021), 40 mn
- elec They dream in my Bones VR installation (2021)
- elec epic 201757695.02 electronic music (2022), 20 mn
- elec hd 189733 b electronic music (2022), 24 mn 12 s
- elec principles of the theory of wealth vers. II installation (2022)
- elec principles of the theory of wealth – deep blue <> alphago <> muzero performative installation (2022)
- elec rt60 extended electronic music and lights (2022), 1 h 30 mn
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom IV generative musical installation (2022)
- Unspecified instrumentation
- elec Kaspar S electronic music (2010), 8 mn
- L'Éveil du Printemps music for the theatre play by Guillaume Vincent (2010), 1 h 25 mn
- La Nuit des Brutes electronic music for a music theatre play (2010), 1 h 15 mn
- The Axe (2020)
- stage effondré.e.s music for theatre (2021), 1 h 30 mn
- Extraordinary Journeys (2021)
- Haiku Studies text and prints (2021)
- TOI-1842_B print (2021)
- 2022
- elec Strom for saxophone, viola and live electronics
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom IV generative musical installation
- elec epic 201757695.02 electronic music, 20 mn
- elec hd 189733 b electronic music, 24 mn 12 s
- elec principles of the theory of wealth vers. II installation
- elec principles of the theory of wealth – deep blue <> alphago <> muzero performative installation
- elec rt60 extended electronic music and lights, 1 h 30 mn
- 2021
- Extraordinary Journeys
- Haiku Studies text and prints
- TOI-1842_B print
- elec They dream in my Bones VR installation
- elec stage das giftige chamäleon I musical theater, 40 mn
- stage effondré.e.s music for theatre, 1 h 30 mn
- elec extreme occident-frozen for voice and electronics, between 3 mn 41 s and 6 mn 12 s
- 2020
- elec ircam Bacchantes electronic music for a sound fiction based on the text by Céline Minard, 1 h 10 mn [program note]
- elec Deutschfieber electronic music, 1 h 20 mn
- elec Dual Coronagraphs (mkII) generative sound and light installation for two projectors, smoke, and eight speakers
- HPSCHD (titre temporaire) for harpsichord duo, 20 mn
- elec K2-18B generative electroacoustic music produced from exoplanet taxonomies, 10 mn about
- elec Mollspeak electroacoustic music for installation
- The Axe
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom III generative musical installation
- elec hd141943 & hd191089 electronic music, 20 mn
- elec rt60
- 四條畷の戦い (四條畷之戰) - hpschd for two harpsichords
- 2019
- elec 595F44FEC1E92A71D3E electroacoustic composition made from rapid radio bursts
- elec Herbig-Haro generative sound installation for 12 or 24 loudspeakers, 24 mn
- elec stage Le Reste vous le connaissez par le Cinéma music for the play by David Jeanneteau, based on the book by Martin Crimp, 2 h 30 mn
- elec stage One Thousand and One Nights electronic composition for the play by Guillaume Vincent, 4 h 30 mn
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom generative musical installation
- elec The Keys to the Kingdom II generative musical installation
- 2018
- elec Lions installation for lasers, mirrors, interference and audio
- elec Lloyd's Mirror generative mulimedia installation
- elec Proxima Centauri b generative video installation for 3 small 4K screens
- elec Shoppen electronic composition for the multimedia exhibition Shoppen Kannste Selber!, 55 mn
- elec We carry On generative electronic music for the video We carry On by Guillaume Dimanche
- 2017
- elec HR 8800 performance, 38 mn
- elec L'Atome Music for the play L'Atome by Julien Avril, 2 h
- elec Wandering Set electronic music, 47 mn
- 2016
- elec Songes et Métamorphoses music for the play Songes et Métamorphoses by Guillaume Vincent, 4 h 43 mn
- elec The Mystery of Picasso electronic music for a ciné-concert of Henri-Georges Clouzot's film Le Mystère de Picasso, 1 h 10 mn
- elec The Nothing Seeking Answers Indivisible Streams sound installation
- 2015
- elec Formahaut ΓI video creation, 6 mn
- elec Master Rock performance for three voices, performed in Cruachan Dam power station, Scotland, 42 mn
- elec ß Pictoris B electroacoustic composition, for 17 or 25 speakers
- 2014
- elec Forma - HR 8799 installation
- elec ircam Joyeux Animaux de la Misère for voice and live electronics, 1 h 10 mn
- elec Rib electronic music for the video Rib by Arlé Van Egmond
- elec stage Steve V (King Different) electronic music for musical theater performance
- elec VERFLUCHTE UNGMENGE – R136A1 electronic music for installation
- elec formulation installation, 30 mn
- 2013
- elec stage Aucun Homme n'est une Île electronic music for the multimedia theater play directed by Roland Auzet, 60 mn
- elec ircam Dessiner sur Papier installation in collaboration with Thorsten Streichardt
- elec Formahaut Γ installation
- elec Les Quatre Temps Cardinaux for two voices, orchestra, vdieo and spatialized electronics, 55 mn
- 2012
- elec La Nuit tombe electronic music for the play by Guillaume Vincent, 1 h 40 mn
- elec stage Night: Light live electronic music for Alban Richard's dance performance
- elec Tu tiens sur tous les Fronts electronic music for the play directed by Roland Auzet
- 人形トビケラ for piano, music for a documentary by Minori Matsuoka, 3 mn 40 s
- 2011
- elec stage Make No Noise electronic music for the opera Make No Noise by Tom Holloway
- elec Seven interactive installation produced in collaboration with Thomas Goepfer and Robin Meier
- elec The Second Woman electronic music for the opera The Second Woman by Guilllaume Vincent
- elec ml electronic music for Tsui Shuang Lai dance performance, 35 mn
- 2010
- elec Kaspar audiovisual installation
- elec Kaspar S electronic music, 8 mn
- L'Éveil du Printemps music for the theatre play by Guillaume Vincent, 1 h 25 mn
- La Nuit des Brutes electronic music for a music theatre play, 1 h 15 mn
- elec M electronic music, 12 mn
- elec Reflexion!? interactive audio visual installation
- elec Sound Exhibition sound installation
- 2009
- elec Crossing the line sound and video installation
- elec ircam Häxan, la sorcellerie à travers les âges music for the silent film by Benjamin Christensen (Sweden, 1921), 1 h 45 mn, Inédit [program note]
- elec J-Design electronic music for the TV show J-Design, 3 mn
- elec News from the Near Future electronic music for a video by Fiona Tan, 9 mn
- elec Perforation I electronic music, 27 mn
- elec Sound Agents installation
- elec arc I electronic music, 20 mn
- 2008
- elec City of Flowers installation, 25 mn
- elec Morphallaxis for flute, percussion, cello and live electronics, 15 mn
- elec strawberry electronic music, maximum 10 mn
- 2004
- elec ircam Damned for saxophone and live electronics, 16 mn
Liens internet
- Site internet du compositeur : https://www.opasquet.fr/
- Page SoundCloud du compositeur : https://soundcloud.com/pasquet
- Site de l’Université de Buffalo : https://arts-sciences.buffalo.edu/music/faculty/faculty-directory/olivier-pasquet.html
- « Olivier Pasquet : Machinations, Thinking Things et autres projets », conférence donnée à l’Ircam le 13 décembre 2021 dans le cadre du Cursus : https://medias.ircam.fr/xcaa229_olivier-pasquet
(liens vérifiés en juin 2022)
Bibliographie sélective
- Jacob HART, « Combining FluCoMa with bach », analyse musicologique de la pièce Herbig-Haro, 2021, à lire en ligne sur le site de FluCoMa Learn.
- Olivier PASQUET, « Du hörspiel au hors-jeu : situation audio-narrative des Bacchantes », in Alternatives Théâtrales, volume 146, avril 2022, p. 46.
- Olivier PASQUET, « Notes on Electronic Composition », 2015, à lire en ligne.
- Olivier PASQUET, Philippe CODOGNET, « Ambient Sound Spaces », 2010, à lire en ligne.
- Olivier PASQUET, Panayiotis KOKORAS, « Sound Scale: Perspectives on the contribution of flute sound classification to musical structure », in CIM08 Abstract Proceedings, 3-8 July 2008, à lire en ligne.
(liens vérifiés en juin 2022)