Do you notice a mistake?
La soutenance de thèse se déroule devant un jury composé de :
Xavier Serra - professeur, Music Technology Group, Université Pompeu Fabra, Espagne
Sylvain Marchand - professeur, Image et son, Unviversité Bretagne, Brest
Vesa Välimäki - professeur, Université Aalto, dot of Signal Processing ans Acoustics, Finlande
David Bertrand - chercheur, Télécom Paris ENST
Jean-Luc Zarader - professeur, UPMC Isir
Axel Roebel - directeur de thèse, chercheur, IRCAM
A method for imitative sound synthesis applicable to most quasi-harmonic instruments will be presented.
The approach bases upon single-note recordings that represent a quantized version of an instrument’s possible timbre space with respect to its pitch and intensity dimension.
A transformation method then allows to render sound signals with continuous values of the expressive control parameters pitch and intensity which are perceptually coherent with its acoustic equivalents.
The thesis introduces:
Do you notice a mistake?