Do you notice a mistake?
Composed by Turgut Erçetin , concert on June 30, 2012
“Contra-statement” aims to explore inharmonicity by means of spectral distortion and its affect on pitch perception resulting from peculiarities of regionally distinct string composition and construction. The musical discourse specifically focuses on various degrees of inharmonicity that occur when a string is plucked– although the types of pizzicato technique are rarely used in the piece. However, both harmonic and temporal structures are derived from several analyses that investigate the spectra of plucked strings in order to obtain empirical measures of inharmonicity. Secondary aim of the discourse is introducing inversionally symmetric structures both in pitch and frequency domains by means of pole and counter-pole forms and therefore creating a “tension and release” motion in the sonic-temporal continuum.
th “Contra-statement” is written as a response to !dris Naim "ahin, the minister of Interior Affairs of Turkey, who officially stated that art is a form of terrorist propaganda, on December 26 , 2012. The
music is dedicated to the students who are the victims of state-terrorism in Turkey and are held in prisons because of their “inharmonic” political stands. May, 2012 San Francisco
June 30, 2012 00:11:53
June 30, 2012 00:15:38
June 30, 2012 00:10:32
Do you notice a mistake?