Do you notice a mistake?
It has been proposed that music nds its genesis in «the musicality of human motor beha- viors”, a general capacity developed as a consequence of the evolution to bipedal locomo- tion (Merker, 2000; Cross, 2003; Mithen, 2006). The core idea of this approach is to link the genesis of human communication with the motor faculties in such a way that non-verbal and emotional aspects are included within the forms of interpersonal communication (Rizzolatti y Arib, 1998; Trevarthen, 2000; Arib 2005; Gallesse, 2003).
We discuss these and other ndings that —on a sub-personal level— explore the biological bases which underlie the notions of a linear time and an intersubjective self (Damasio 1994, 1999, 2010; Metzinger 2003a).
The concepts of transmodal mapping and sensory-motor simulation are essential to explain the human capacity for empathy, by which we are able to feel in our own body-mind the dynamic patterns of another individual’s experience. Daniel Stern (2004) in his concept of vitality affects has captured the way in which the stimuli that impact our nervous system determine an activation contour which is transposed phenomenologically in a ‘contour of feelings’ giving an affective tone to the experience. In this way the experiences of time, intensity and form in movement are transposed into an affective meaning (Metzinger 2004; Trevarthen, 2000; Stern, 2004). On the psychological level, intersubjectivity is the aptitude to share an experience in its qualitative aspects.
On the basis of these notions, the processes that allows the emergence of a narrative and intentional self are exposed.
Music as an Experience of Time
The subjective experiences of time and the contours of vitality affects in uence the expe- rience of a musical work. Imberty (1977, 2005) points out that the experience of a musical work is based on a dual experience of time, one of a chronological or linear course and ano- ther time of the present moment. Both experiences converge allowing the consciousness to grasp overall the temporal schemes through which the piece progresses. This psycho- logical organization of musical events is what Michel Imberty calls the macro-structure of the musical work. Imberty proposes that such a structuring is possible thanks to the existence of dynamic vectors within the macro structure. These vectors are constituted by perceptually salient features in the sound and are similar to the contours of vitality affects proposed by D. Stern.
The concepts proposed by Imberty and its relationships with the notions of simulation, intersubjectivity and intentionality are explored in this section.
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April 10, 2018 00:35:37
Do you notice a mistake?