Hilda Paredes (1957)

Tríptico (1993 -1994)

Caligrama, A contraluz, Parábola, pour piano

  • Informations générales
    • Date de composition : 1993 - 1994
    • Durée : 22 mn
    • Éditeur : University of York Music Press
    • Commande : Dirección de Actividades Musicales, Université de Mexico
    • Dédicace : Caligrama : à Raul Herrera ; Parábola : à Ian Pace
Effectif détaillé
  • piano

Information sur la création

  • Date : 1996
    Lieu :

    Mexique, Université de Mexico, salle Carlos Chávez

    Interprètes :

    Ana Maria Tradatti.

Titres des parties

  • Caligrama
  • A contraluz
  • Parábola

Note de programme

The three pieces under the title Triptico were my first incursion in writing for the piano. So much great literature already written for the piano, makes it a rather daunting enterprise to undertake. I approached it as if it were pencil drawings, without the extra colours that an ensemble could provide and I limited the writing to the use of the keyboard, to fulfil this task. The result was three contrasting pieces each one of them based on one idea.

_Caligrama_**,** has an introduction on the high register of the piano which breaks into the full flow of running figurations across the keyboard, from the bottom F# of the piano. This first piece is dedicated to the Mexican pianist Raul Herrera.
The introduction of _A Contraluz,_is free and cantabile and it contrasts with the repetitive figurations that keep reappearing in different shades.
Finally in _Parabola_I explore virtuoso possibilities of the instrument and has more contrasting elements in it than any of the other three. This last piece was revised in 2003 and it is dedicated to Ian Pace, who gave the world premier of the complete set.

Hilda Paredes.