Works / By specific formation
Comment faire une recherche par effectif détaillé sur BRAHMS ?14 works out of 50675
- Ballade du Franc Buveur for voices and noises (1934), 4 mn, Inédit / Paul Dessau
- Caprice à une voix for any male or female voice and piano without pianist (1975), 4 mn 30 s, Heugel / Leduc / Betsy Jolas
- Evening Rain for solo voice (1981), 6 mn, Peters / James Dillon
- Icht II for voice, tape and live electronics (1995), 22 mn, Inédit / Bernhard Lang
- Kövirügivogerü for solo voice (1967), Inédit / Giacinto Scelsi
- Lettura di Braibanti, Sette fogli 4 for solo voice (1959), 5 mn, Ricordi / Sylvano Bussotti
- Ligne de fuite in memory of Gérard Grisey, for voice (2001), 2 mn, Billaudot / Marc-André Dalbavie
- Ma belle si tu voulais for solo voice (1997), 4 mn, Billaudot / Philippe Leroux
- Main Herz, main Herz for voice (1935), Inédit / Paul Dessau
- Olehö for solo voice (), Inédit / Giacinto Scelsi
- elec stage Sincronismos for six dancers, voice and electronics, collaboration with choreographer Dalila Zarama (2001), 27 mn, Inédit / Marco Antonio Suárez-Cifuentes
- Strali for voice (2001), 10 mn, Suvini Zerboni / Valerio Sannicandro
- Three Latin Prayers for male or female solo voice, or unison choir (1970), 5 mn, Schirmer / Giacinto Scelsi
- elec Vortrag über Hu musical analysis of Inori, for a singer (1974), 1 h 23 mn, Stockhausen Verlag / Karlheinz Stockhausen