Klaus Lang
Austrian composer and organist born 27 April 1971 in Graz.
Klaus Lang was born in Austria in 1971 and studied composition, musical theory, and organ at the Kunstuniversität of Graz, with Hermann Markus Pressl, Beat Furrer, and Younghi Pagh-Paan.
He has taught composition at the Graz Impuls Academy, the Reykjavik Nordic Musik Days, the Moscow Contemporary Music Ensemble Academy, and the Darmstadt Summer Courses. Since 2006, he has taught at the Kunstuniversität of Graz.
His works include numerous solo pieces, notably for organ, as well as pieces for ensemble and orchestra, vocal pieces, and several operas.
Klaus Lang has received commissions from many festivals, including Wien Modern, ECLAT (Stuttgart), the Luzern Festival, Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik, Ultraschall Berlin, Musiktriennale Köln, Darmstardt Ferienkurse, Musikmonat Basel, Osterfestival Innsbruck, Biennale München, New Music Festival (Stockholm), Monday Evening Concerts (Los Angeles), and the Takefu Festival (Japon).
His works have been performed by ensembles such as Klangforum Wien, the Arditti Quartet, the Ensemble Intercontemporain, Musikfabrik, the ŒMN (Österreichisches Ensemble für neue Musik), Die Reihe, the Nieuw Ensemble Amsterdam, the SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart, the Studio Percussion in Graz, the Recreation Orchester, the Teheran Symphony Orchestra, the hr-Sinfonieorchester, and the Berlin Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester.
Klaus Lang is also a professional organist, perfrorming old, new, and improvised music.
He is a regular contributor to musical journals including Positionen, kunstMusik and his study of the history of different tuning systems, Auf Wohlklangswellen durch der Töne Meer was published in 1999 by the Graz Institut für Elektronische Musik in its series “Beiträge zur Elektonischen Musik.”
He was awarded the Erste Bank Composition Prize in 2008 and the Andrzej-Dobrowolski Prize in 2010.
© Ircam-Centre Pompidou, 2021
- Solo (excluding voice)
- Abd for organ (1995), 19 mn
- Cartusia for solo violin (1995), 10 mn
- Die Evangelienharmonie des Eusebius, canon I inquo IV. for solo bassoon (1995), 10 mn
- melrose abbey. for organ (1994-1995), 24 mn
- Zographou/ Im Schatten des blauen Feigenbaumes for solo flute (1996), 10 mn
- Die Mutter Gottes mit den drei Händen for forty-eight recorders (1997), 30 mn
- Der Bindfaden der Gottheit und weiße Augen im Frühling for three recorders (1998), 50 mn
- Der schlafende Landmann, der Baum des Lebens und die Schalen der Finsternis for piano (1998), 16 mn
- Der Herr der Insel for solo flute (1999), 9 mn
- Die drei Spiegel der schönen Karin for solo double bass (1999), 13 mn
- Die vier Wege zum Berge Zion for cello (1999), 10 mn
- mars attacks. for organ (1999), 24 mn
- kresse. kreise. for solo violin (2003), 8 mn
- klare himmel. for harpsichord (2004), 6 mn
- die ränder der welt. for violin (2005), 9 mn
- marias mantel. for organ (2005), 12 mn
- ägäische eisberge. for solo viola (2006), 10 mn
- shirohige no roujin. roppiki no kaeru. for accordion (2008), 10 mn
- 6 praeludien für klavier for piano (2011), 12 mn
- der blauäugige fremde. for guitar (2011), 47 mn
- now. here. (6 praeludien, 7 ricercare) for piano (2011), 3 h 20 mn
- weißbärtig. mond. for organ (2011), 10 mn
- 17 symmetrien. for organ (2012), 25 mn
- the ugly house. for harmonium (2012), 50 mn
- sieben sonnengesichter. for piano (2011-2013), 1 h 20 mn
- fliessende berge. for piano (2015), 11 mn
- campanarium novum for chime (2017), 8 mn
- octopus for solo percussionist (2019), 14 mn
- el sonido luminoso for organ solo (2020), 21 mn
- cantica christinae - interludium I for organ (2021), 5 mn
- cantica christinae - interludium II for organ (2021), 5 mn
- Chamber music
- The Sea of Despair for string quartet (1995), 45 mn
- Die vierzig Trauben im Garten des scharlachroten Scheichs for violin and harpsichord (1995-1996), 16 mn
- elec Die größte Tragik im Leben des Königs von Sipylos bestand darin, daß nicht Thraker, nicht Böotier, nicht Achäer, sondern Barbaren die Einzigen waren, die sein Herz zu rühren vermochten for flute, piano and electronics (1997), 39 mn
- Einübung in den Kastanienbaum for four flutes (1997), 10 mn
- Der Tor, die Königin und der silberne Schuh for flute and piano (1999), 15 mn
- die fenster des universums for violin, cello and piano (1999), 6 mn
- Die Kartoffeln der Königin for clarinet, trombone, cello and double bass (or piano) (1999), 9 mn
- Die drei Felder im Schnee und die scharlachrote Sonne for flute and percussion (2000), 9 mn
- der fette hirte und das weiße kaninchen for two flutes and two percussions (2001), 10 mn
- stage kirschblüten. ohr. musical theater for four percussionists (2001), 30 mn
- sei jaku. for string quartet (2001), 40 mn
- nach den sternen. salz. for violin and piano (2003), 12 mn
- small life. transition. for two pianos (2003), 7 mn
- zwillingsgipfel. for flute and piano (2003), 9 mn
- bonsai. for viola and piano (2004), 60 s
- die kleinen brüder. for flute and cello (2005), 60 s
- the moon in a moonless sky. for four percussions (2005), 15 mn
- dangerous foxes are illusions. for violin, cello (or clarinet) and piano (2006), 9 mn
- sais. for flute, percussion and piano (2006), 54 mn
- das sechste element. for flute and two percussionists (2007), 10 mn
- die drei dirndln. for violin, clarinet and piano (2007), 9 mn
- drei goldene gesichter. for string quartet (2007), 18 mn
- drei goldene tiger. for string quartet and piano (2007), 18 mn
- geschrieben in wasser. for string trio and piano (2007), 10 mn
- the moon in a moonless sky. (two.) for four percussions (2007), 40 mn
- der weißbärtige mann. der frosch am mond. for two accordions or two hammond organs (2008), 10 mn
- sternenmäuse. for violin and piano (2008), 3 mn
- the whitebearded man. the six frogs. for piano and percussion (2008), 12 mn
- ann says “why?”. for flute, percussion and piano (2009), 20 mn
- rote asche. for four instruments (2009), 16 mn
- the intelligent ladle. for violin and piano (2009), 5 mn
- weisse aepfel. for string trio (2009), 24 mn
- weisse schatten. for two clarinets (2009), 3 mn
- origami. for flute, accordion and cello (2011), 15 mn
- die hässliche blume. version 1: for viola and piano (2012), 14 mn
- die hässliche blume. version 2: for oboe, cello and piano (2012), 14 mn
- seven views of white. for string quartet (2013), 47 mn
- tehran dust. for cello and harmonium (2013), 10 mn
- schumanns geister. for string quartet and piano (2014), 17 mn
- the robot in red. for violin, cello and piano (2014), 6 mn
- viola. harmonium. for viola d'amore and harmonium (2014), 55 mn
- barbaras landler. for zither and string quartet (2015), 15 mn
- weiße farben for ensemble (2016), 20 mn
- bright darkness for quartet (2017), variable
- molten trees for two pianos and two percussions (2017), 35 mn
- the beautiful square for quartet (2017), 1 h 4 mn
- parthenon for ensemble (2018), 20 mn
- aki for quartet (2019), 11 mn
- coelum obscurum for ensemble (2019), 18 mn
- goldene wolken for quintet (2019), 20 mn
- linien for melodious instrument and organ (2019), 11 mn
- the daughter of necessity for oboe, percussion and piano (2019), 18 mn
- aquin for two percussionists, harmonium, cello and double bass (2020), 16 mn
- cantica christinae - I. dreamland for flute, accordion, cello, piano and harmonium (2020), 22 mn
- cantica christinae - II. confluents for flute and violin (2020), 16 mn
- cuarto hermanas for Renaissance flute quartet (2020), 14 mn
- klirrende fahnen for violin and harpsichord (2020), 10 mn
- toshi o hete for flute and organ (2020), 4 mn
- Instrumental ensemble music
- Der Bruch der Gefäße for six instrumentalists (1994-1995), 18 mn
- tausend kraniche. for large orchestra (1995), 20 mn
- CETVS CANDIDVS for ensemble (1996), 22 mn
- die goldenen tiere. for flute, horn, violin, viola and two instruments of your choice (1999), 15 mn
- offizium paperum for twelve musicians (1999), 24 mn
- die englischen hände. for ensemble (2004), 40 mn
- die drei goldenen schatten. for ensemble (2007), 20 mn
- the book of serenity. for sixteen instruments (2008), 25 mn
- the ocean of yes and no. for sixteen instruments (2008), 10 mn
- capital. interview. for twenty instruments (2009), 20 mn
- fette und schnelle kühe. for orchestra (2009), 60 s
- fische mit füssen und ohne (a. profilneurose - b. heiterkeit) for ensemble (2009), 8 mn
- schnee im august. for ensemble (2010), 20 mn
- wise. air. for ensemble (2010), 3 mn
- siebzehn stufen. for large orchestra (2011), 17 mn
- vier gefaesse. staub. licht for twenty-two string ensemble (2011)
- vier gefaesse. staub. licht for twenty-five string ensemble (2011)
- vier linien. zweifaches weiß. for ensemble (2011), 20 mn
- hungrige sterne. for ensemble (2012), 16 mn
- australien. for ensemble (2013-2012), 22 mn
- the thin tree. for large orchestra (2014), 23 mn
- frenhofer’s foot. for ensemble with Harry Partch instruments (2015), 28 mn
- linea mundi for ensemble (2019), 30 mn
- allmännig for ensemble (2020), 18 mn
- ionisches licht for orchestra (2020), 12 mn 15 s
- nirgends for trumpet, trombone, two percussionists, guitar, piano and cello (2020-2021), 45 mn about
- Concertant music
- Die Ewigkeit ist eine Badehütte mit moosbewachsenem Schindeldach for organ and ensemble (1997-1998), 17 mn
- die heilige clara und der schwarze fisch for piano and ensemble (2000), 20 mn
- regen. katzen. for piccolo flute and ensemble (2001), 45 mn
- the queen. the cowboy. for solo cello and chamber orchestra (2001), 20 mn
- space cookies, belling deer and love for violin and ensemble (2002), 16 mn
- die bärtige frau. sterne im gesicht. for organ and orchestra (2010), 22 mn
- der dünne wal. for oboe and ensemble (2012), 24 mn
- schwarzes licht. for solo zither (treble and bass) and large orchestra (2013), 50 mn
- viola. harmonium. orchester for viola d'amore, harmonium and orchestra (2015), 50 mn about
- kivi for ensemble (2017), 15 mn
- die schlafende kuh for harmonium and ensemble (2018), 38 mn
- harmonic apparitions for brass quintet and harmonium (2018), 50 mn
- pythagoräischer fächer for organ and large ensemble with variable instrumentation (2018), 50 mn
- die bärtige frau. sterne im gesicht. for organ and orchestra (2019), 22 mn
- allmenden for saxophone quartet and harmonium (2020), 45 mn
- tönendes licht for organ and large orchestra (2020)
- QVIS EST for harmonium in sixth tones and ensemble (2021), 16 mn
- Vocal music and instrument(s)
- Der Weg des Prinzen I (Die sieben Boten) for female voice and ensemble (1996), 19 mn
- Das Geheimnis der Unsterblichkeit liegt in den Kernen des Granatapfels for female voice, choir and ensemble (1996-1997), 16 mn
- The forest of frost for female voice, flute, accordion and percussion (1996-1997), 27 mn
- Das kaum wahrnehmbare Lächeln Dostojewskis for female voice and positive organ (1997-1998), 13 mn
- Die Tage des Fastens und die Tage der doppelten Vollkommenheit for female voice and piano (or other instrument) (1998), 60 s
- einfalt. stille. for soprano, flute, percussion and viola (1999), 50 mn
- der handschuh des immanuel. Hörtheater (2000), 1 h 4 mn
- Der Weg des Prinzen II. martian pingus for voice and ensemble (2000), 18 mn
- elec königin ök opera (1999-2000), 1 h 14 mn
- der weiße pfirsich und der lallende Quell for ensemble (2001), 23 mn
- stage die perser. opera (2002), 1 h 30 mn
- stage mons floris. (zwei etagen. keine treppe.) opera (2002), 50 mn
- berge. träume. for choir and cello (2003), 16 mn
- die englischen hände. zwei. for soprano and ensemble (2004), 40 mn
- fichten. for large orchestra (2003-2004), 60 mn
- why. flowers. for soprano, percussion, accordion and string instruments (2004), 8 mn
- der rote spiegel. for choir and orchestra (2005), 1 h 10 mn
- missa beati pauperes spiritu. for a singer, two sopranos and ensemble (2005), 60 mn
- toccata per I'elevatione for soprano and ensemble (2005), 6 mn
- stage vom mond. short chamber opera (2006), 25 mn
- stage architektur des regens. opera for two solo voices, choir, eight instruments and a dancer (2007), 1 h 20 mn
- stage kommander kobayashi am ende. short opera for four solo voices, choir and ensemble of seven instruments (2007), 45 mn
- BUCH ASCHE for three solo voices, choir and orchestra (2009), 1 h 30 mn
- zum fleisch. oratorio for nine solo voices and seven instruments, after a legend by Bruno de Cologne (2009), 1 h 10 mn
- stage der einfluss des menschen auf den mond musical theater for four solo voices and orchestra (2010), 1 h 15 mn
- still life. / 1 for soprano and cello (2010), 4 mn
- stage der einfluß des menschen auf den mond. opera (2011), 1 h 15 mn
- rindenmotette. canon in four parts (instruments ad lib.) (2011), 12 mn
- etrach. himmel. for eight choirs and eight bands (2012), 1 h 4 mn
- fulgur harmoniae. I-IV for choir and ensemble (2012), 24 mn
- the ugly horse. for soprano and ensemble (2012), 20 mn
- der albtraum des papstes. for eight sopranos and ensemble (2013), 8 mn
- stage die fette seele. musical theater based on Emilio de 'Cavalieri's La rappresentatione di anima et di corpo (2013), 1 h 30 mn
- sieben ansichten des schwarzen quadrats. for solo voices, vocal ensemble, choir and ensemble (2013), 60 mn
- stage the beautiful guests. opera (2013), 1 h 4 mn
- la vaca translucida. for choir, flute, percussion, piano and viola (2014), 42 mn
- über die anfangsworte des dreiundsechzigsten psalms. for two sopranos and harmonium (2014), 14 mn
- das brot des todes und das brot des lebens. for vocal ensemble and six percussions (2015), 60 mn
- tausend jahre. (I-III) for ensemble (2015), 45 mn
- elec stage der verschwundene hochzeiter opera for lyrical bass voice, soprano or countertenor, vocal ensemble, actors, orchestra and fixed sounds (2018), 1 h 10 mn
- pflaumenblüten (梅花 / ume no hana) for choir and ensemble (2019), 30 mn
- remember or forget for soprano and trio (2019), 14 mn
- ubi est mundus for choir and flute (2019), 12 mn
- cantica christinae - III. a summer wish for saxophone, soprano and double bass (2020), 14 mn
- der besuch vom kleinen tod children's opera (2020), 50 mn
- pflaumenblüten. staub for soprano (optional), mixed choir, three trombones, organ and string ensemble (2020), 13 mn
- A cappella vocal music
- C. meinte der Rock wäre aus blau gefärbter von den Hebriden stammender Schafwolle gemacht for choir (1997), 15 mn
- Die Wimpern des himbeerfarbenen Mondes/ Marienau for vocal ensemble (1996-1997), 13 mn
- Die illusionären Planeten im Nervensystem der Barbe for seven male voices (1998), 17 mn
- iku/lux cucumberis for choir (1998), 16 mn
- in flocken: schütter: for choir (2006), 3 mn
- vollkommenheit ohne nasenlöcher. for choir (2008), 5 mn
- keine bilder. keine namen. for choir (2009), 4 mn
- das weiße im gesicht. for eight voices (2010), 12 mn
- stufen. linien. for choir (2011), 4 mn
- der baum mit den drei wunderbaren blättern. for choir (2013), 3 mn
- der wechsel menschlicher sachen. for singer and narrator (2014), 12 mn
- new zealandic skies for male choir (2017), variable
- chochlea for vocal quartet (2019), 12 mn
- Unspecified instrumentation
- 2021
- QVIS EST for harmonium in sixth tones and ensemble, 16 mn
- cantica christinae - interludium I for organ, 5 mn
- cantica christinae - interludium II for organ, 5 mn
- nirgends for trumpet, trombone, two percussionists, guitar, piano and cello, 45 mn about
- 2020
- allmenden for saxophone quartet and harmonium, 45 mn
- allmännig for ensemble, 18 mn
- aquin for two percussionists, harmonium, cello and double bass, 16 mn
- cantica christinae - I. dreamland for flute, accordion, cello, piano and harmonium, 22 mn
- cantica christinae - II. confluents for flute and violin, 16 mn
- cantica christinae - III. a summer wish for saxophone, soprano and double bass, 14 mn
- cuarto hermanas for Renaissance flute quartet, 14 mn
- der besuch vom kleinen tod children's opera, 50 mn
- el sonido luminoso for organ solo, 21 mn
- ionisches licht for orchestra, 12 mn 15 s
- klirrende fahnen for violin and harpsichord, 10 mn
- pflaumenblüten. staub for soprano (optional), mixed choir, three trombones, organ and string ensemble, 13 mn
- toshi o hete for flute and organ, 4 mn
- tönendes licht for organ and large orchestra
- 2019
- aki for quartet, 11 mn
- chochlea for vocal quartet, 12 mn
- coelum obscurum for ensemble, 18 mn
- die bärtige frau. sterne im gesicht. for organ and orchestra, 22 mn
- goldene wolken for quintet, 20 mn
- linea mundi for ensemble, 30 mn
- linien for melodious instrument and organ, 11 mn
- octopus for solo percussionist, 14 mn
- pflaumenblüten (梅花 / ume no hana) for choir and ensemble, 30 mn
- remember or forget for soprano and trio, 14 mn
- the daughter of necessity for oboe, percussion and piano, 18 mn
- ubi est mundus for choir and flute, 12 mn
- 2018
- elec stage der verschwundene hochzeiter opera for lyrical bass voice, soprano or countertenor, vocal ensemble, actors, orchestra and fixed sounds, 1 h 10 mn
- die schlafende kuh for harmonium and ensemble, 38 mn
- harmonic apparitions for brass quintet and harmonium, 50 mn
- parthenon for ensemble, 20 mn
- pythagoräischer fächer for organ and large ensemble with variable instrumentation, 50 mn
- 2017
- bright darkness for quartet, variable
- campanarium novum for chime, 8 mn
- kivi for ensemble, 15 mn
- molten trees for two pianos and two percussions, 35 mn
- new zealandic skies for male choir, variable
- the beautiful square for quartet, 1 h 4 mn
- 2016
- weiße farben for ensemble, 20 mn
- 2015
- barbaras landler. for zither and string quartet, 15 mn
- das brot des todes und das brot des lebens. for vocal ensemble and six percussions, 60 mn
- fliessende berge. for piano, 11 mn
- frenhofer’s foot. for ensemble with Harry Partch instruments, 28 mn
- tausend jahre. (I-III) for ensemble, 45 mn
- viola. harmonium. orchester for viola d'amore, harmonium and orchestra, 50 mn about
- 2014
- der wechsel menschlicher sachen. for singer and narrator, 12 mn
- la vaca translucida. for choir, flute, percussion, piano and viola, 42 mn
- schumanns geister. for string quartet and piano, 17 mn
- the robot in red. for violin, cello and piano, 6 mn
- the thin tree. for large orchestra, 23 mn
- viola. harmonium. for viola d'amore and harmonium, 55 mn
- über die anfangsworte des dreiundsechzigsten psalms. for two sopranos and harmonium, 14 mn
- 2013
- australien. for ensemble, 22 mn
- der albtraum des papstes. for eight sopranos and ensemble, 8 mn
- der baum mit den drei wunderbaren blättern. for choir, 3 mn
- stage die fette seele. musical theater based on Emilio de 'Cavalieri's La rappresentatione di anima et di corpo, 1 h 30 mn
- schwarzes licht. for solo zither (treble and bass) and large orchestra, 50 mn
- seven views of white. for string quartet, 47 mn
- sieben ansichten des schwarzen quadrats. for solo voices, vocal ensemble, choir and ensemble, 60 mn
- sieben sonnengesichter. for piano, 1 h 20 mn
- tehran dust. for cello and harmonium, 10 mn
- stage the beautiful guests. opera, 1 h 4 mn
- 2012
- 17 symmetrien. for organ, 25 mn
- der dünne wal. for oboe and ensemble, 24 mn
- die hässliche blume. version 1: for viola and piano, 14 mn
- die hässliche blume. version 2: for oboe, cello and piano, 14 mn
- etrach. himmel. for eight choirs and eight bands, 1 h 4 mn
- fulgur harmoniae. I-IV for choir and ensemble, 24 mn
- hungrige sterne. for ensemble, 16 mn
- the ugly horse. for soprano and ensemble, 20 mn
- the ugly house. for harmonium, 50 mn
- 2011
- 6 praeludien für klavier for piano, 12 mn
- der blauäugige fremde. for guitar, 47 mn
- stage der einfluß des menschen auf den mond. opera, 1 h 15 mn
- now. here. (6 praeludien, 7 ricercare) for piano, 3 h 20 mn
- origami. for flute, accordion and cello, 15 mn
- rindenmotette. canon in four parts (instruments ad lib.), 12 mn
- siebzehn stufen. for large orchestra, 17 mn
- stufen. linien. for choir, 4 mn
- vier gefaesse. staub. licht for twenty-two string ensemble
- vier gefaesse. staub. licht for twenty-five string ensemble
- vier linien. zweifaches weiß. for ensemble, 20 mn
- weißbärtig. mond. for organ, 10 mn
- 2010
- das weiße im gesicht. for eight voices, 12 mn
- stage der einfluss des menschen auf den mond musical theater for four solo voices and orchestra, 1 h 15 mn
- die bärtige frau. sterne im gesicht. for organ and orchestra, 22 mn
- schnee im august. for ensemble, 20 mn
- still life. / 1 for soprano and cello, 4 mn
- wise. air. for ensemble, 3 mn
- 2009
- BUCH ASCHE for three solo voices, choir and orchestra, 1 h 30 mn
- ann says “why?”. for flute, percussion and piano, 20 mn
- capital. interview. for twenty instruments, 20 mn
- fette und schnelle kühe. for orchestra, 60 s
- fische mit füssen und ohne (a. profilneurose - b. heiterkeit) for ensemble, 8 mn
- keine bilder. keine namen. for choir, 4 mn
- requiem - ergänzungen zum requiem von w.a. mozart
- rote asche. for four instruments, 16 mn
- the intelligent ladle. for violin and piano, 5 mn
- weisse aepfel. for string trio, 24 mn
- weisse schatten. for two clarinets, 3 mn
- zum fleisch. oratorio for nine solo voices and seven instruments, after a legend by Bruno de Cologne, 1 h 10 mn
- 2008
- der weißbärtige mann. der frosch am mond. for two accordions or two hammond organs, 10 mn
- shirohige no roujin. roppiki no kaeru. for accordion, 10 mn
- sternenmäuse. for violin and piano, 3 mn
- the book of serenity. for sixteen instruments, 25 mn
- the ocean of yes and no. for sixteen instruments, 10 mn
- the whitebearded man. the six frogs. for piano and percussion, 12 mn
- vollkommenheit ohne nasenlöcher. for choir, 5 mn
- 2007
- stage architektur des regens. opera for two solo voices, choir, eight instruments and a dancer, 1 h 20 mn
- das sechste element. for flute and two percussionists, 10 mn
- die drei dirndln. for violin, clarinet and piano, 9 mn
- die drei goldenen schatten. for ensemble, 20 mn
- drei goldene gesichter. for string quartet, 18 mn
- drei goldene tiger. for string quartet and piano, 18 mn
- geschrieben in wasser. for string trio and piano, 10 mn
- stage kommander kobayashi am ende. short opera for four solo voices, choir and ensemble of seven instruments, 45 mn
- the moon in a moonless sky. (two.) for four percussions, 40 mn
- 2006
- dangerous foxes are illusions. for violin, cello (or clarinet) and piano, 9 mn
- in flocken: schütter: for choir, 3 mn
- sais. for flute, percussion and piano, 54 mn
- stage vom mond. short chamber opera, 25 mn
- ägäische eisberge. for solo viola, 10 mn
- 2005
- der rote spiegel. for choir and orchestra, 1 h 10 mn
- die kleinen brüder. for flute and cello, 60 s
- die ränder der welt. for violin, 9 mn
- marias mantel. for organ, 12 mn
- missa beati pauperes spiritu. for a singer, two sopranos and ensemble, 60 mn
- the moon in a moonless sky. for four percussions, 15 mn
- toccata per I'elevatione for soprano and ensemble, 6 mn
- 2004
- bonsai. for viola and piano, 60 s
- die englischen hände. for ensemble, 40 mn
- die englischen hände. zwei. for soprano and ensemble, 40 mn
- fichten. for large orchestra, 60 mn
- klare himmel. for harpsichord, 6 mn
- why. flowers. for soprano, percussion, accordion and string instruments, 8 mn
- 2003
- berge. träume. for choir and cello, 16 mn
- kresse. kreise. for solo violin, 8 mn
- nach den sternen. salz. for violin and piano, 12 mn
- small life. transition. for two pianos, 7 mn
- zwillingsgipfel. for flute and piano, 9 mn
- 2002
- stage die perser. opera, 1 h 30 mn
- stage mons floris. (zwei etagen. keine treppe.) opera, 50 mn
- space cookies, belling deer and love for violin and ensemble, 16 mn
- 2001
- der fette hirte und das weiße kaninchen for two flutes and two percussions, 10 mn
- der weiße pfirsich und der lallende Quell for ensemble, 23 mn
- stage kirschblüten. ohr. musical theater for four percussionists, 30 mn
- regen. katzen. for piccolo flute and ensemble, 45 mn
- sei jaku. for string quartet, 40 mn
- the queen. the cowboy. for solo cello and chamber orchestra, 20 mn
- 2000
- Der Weg des Prinzen II. martian pingus for voice and ensemble, 18 mn
- Die drei Felder im Schnee und die scharlachrote Sonne for flute and percussion, 9 mn
- der handschuh des immanuel. Hörtheater, 1 h 4 mn
- die heilige clara und der schwarze fisch for piano and ensemble, 20 mn
- elec königin ök opera, 1 h 14 mn
- 1999
- Der Herr der Insel for solo flute, 9 mn
- Der Tor, die Königin und der silberne Schuh for flute and piano, 15 mn
- Die Kartoffeln der Königin for clarinet, trombone, cello and double bass (or piano), 9 mn
- Die drei Spiegel der schönen Karin for solo double bass, 13 mn
- Die vier Wege zum Berge Zion for cello, 10 mn
- die fenster des universums for violin, cello and piano, 6 mn
- die goldenen tiere. for flute, horn, violin, viola and two instruments of your choice, 15 mn
- einfalt. stille. for soprano, flute, percussion and viola, 50 mn
- mars attacks. for organ, 24 mn
- offizium paperum for twelve musicians, 24 mn
- 1998
- Das kaum wahrnehmbare Lächeln Dostojewskis for female voice and positive organ, 13 mn
- Der Bindfaden der Gottheit und weiße Augen im Frühling for three recorders, 50 mn
- Der schlafende Landmann, der Baum des Lebens und die Schalen der Finsternis for piano, 16 mn
- Die Ewigkeit ist eine Badehütte mit moosbewachsenem Schindeldach for organ and ensemble, 17 mn
- Die Tage des Fastens und die Tage der doppelten Vollkommenheit for female voice and piano (or other instrument), 60 s
- Die illusionären Planeten im Nervensystem der Barbe for seven male voices, 17 mn
- iku/lux cucumberis for choir, 16 mn
- 1997
- C. meinte der Rock wäre aus blau gefärbter von den Hebriden stammender Schafwolle gemacht for choir, 15 mn
- Das Geheimnis der Unsterblichkeit liegt in den Kernen des Granatapfels for female voice, choir and ensemble, 16 mn
- Die Mutter Gottes mit den drei Händen for forty-eight recorders, 30 mn
- Die Wimpern des himbeerfarbenen Mondes/ Marienau for vocal ensemble, 13 mn
- elec Die größte Tragik im Leben des Königs von Sipylos bestand darin, daß nicht Thraker, nicht Böotier, nicht Achäer, sondern Barbaren die Einzigen waren, die sein Herz zu rühren vermochten for flute, piano and electronics, 39 mn
- Einübung in den Kastanienbaum for four flutes, 10 mn
- The forest of frost for female voice, flute, accordion and percussion, 27 mn
- 1996
- CETVS CANDIDVS for ensemble, 22 mn
- Der Weg des Prinzen I (Die sieben Boten) for female voice and ensemble, 19 mn
- Die vierzig Trauben im Garten des scharlachroten Scheichs for violin and harpsichord, 16 mn
- Zographou/ Im Schatten des blauen Feigenbaumes for solo flute, 10 mn
- 1995
- Abd for organ, 19 mn
- Cartusia for solo violin, 10 mn
- Der Bruch der Gefäße for six instrumentalists, 18 mn
- Die Evangelienharmonie des Eusebius, canon I inquo IV. for solo bassoon, 10 mn
- The Sea of Despair for string quartet, 45 mn
- melrose abbey. for organ, 24 mn
- tausend kraniche. for large orchestra, 20 mn
Liens Internet
- Site de Klaus Lang : http://www.klang.mur.at/
- Zeitvertrieb Wien Berlin : http://zeitvertrieb.mur.at/index.html
- Page Bandamp de Klaus Lang : https://klauslang.bandcamp.com/
(liens vérifiés en octobre 2021).
- Klaus LANG, « drei Gedichte », Positionen, n° 98, 2014.
- Klaus LANG, Celibidache et Furtwängler, Paris : Buchet-Chastel, 2012.
- Klaus LANG, « Höchste Musik ist abwesenheit der Musik », kunstMusik, n° 13, 2010.
- Klaus LANG, « Gross Einfalt. Theater und Antike. », kunstMusik, n° 5, 2005.
- Klaus LANG, « Mutterpartituren », Positionen, n° 58, 2004.
- Klaus LANG, « Iglu. Mochi. », kunstMusik, n° 1, 2003.
- Klaus LANG, « Opern, Mischformen Niemandsland … Standpunkte von Komponistinnen und Komponisten », Positionen, n° 55, 2003.
- Klaus LANG, « fewa wolle. salzig. », Positionen, n° 53, 2002.
- Klaus LANG, « Die Witwe des päpstlichen Pelzhändlers », Positionen, n° 48, 2001.
- Klaus LANG, Auf Wohlklangswellen durch der Töne Meer, Graz, Institut für Elektronische Musik, coll. « Beiträge zur Elektonischen Musik », 1999 (http://iem.kug.ac.at/fileadmin/media/iem/altdaten/projekte/publications/bem/bem10/bem10.pdf).
- Reinhard SCHULZ, « Das Murmeln und Schweigen der Mönche. Der Komponist Klaus Lang », Positionen, n° 41, 1999, p. 15-19.
- Elke TSCHAIKNER, « Die Klarheitsmaschine - Ein Besuch beim Komponisten Klaus Lang », Dissonance/Dissonanz, n° 99, 2007, p. 19-21.
Discographie sélective
- Klaus LANG, Drei Allmenden, Konus Quartett, 1 Cd Cubus, 2021, CR376.
- Klaus LANG, Angharad DAVIES, Anton LUKOSZEVIEZE, Unfurling, 1 Cd Another Timbre, 2020, at154.
- Klaus LANG & Golden Fur, Beissel, 1 Cd Another Timbre, 2019, at135.
- Klaus LANG, der weißbärtige mann_der frosch am mond, Runaway Trio, dans « Works for Accordion », avec des oeuvres de Toshio Hosokawa, Uros Rojko, Georg Friedrich Haas, Magnar Am, Jukka Tiensuu, 1 Cd Orlando Records, 2018, or 0035.
- Klaus LANG, Organ Works vol. 2, Klaus Lang, orgue, 1 LP God Records, 2015, GOD 26.
- Klaus LANG, SAIS., Trio Nexus, 1 cd Maria de Alvear World Edition, 2014, 0024.
- Klaus LANG, Organ Works vol. 1, Emanuel Schmelzer-Ziringer, orgue, 1 LP God Records, 2013, GOD 17.
- Klaus LANG, The Book of Serenity ; Drei Goldene Tiger ; Der fette Hirte und das weisse Kaninchen ; Die Goldenen Tiere, Klangforum Wien, Johannes Kalitzke, direction, 1 cd Kairos, 2008, 0012862KAI.
- Klaus LANG, Missa Beati Pauperes Spiritus, Pater Gerwig Romirer et Natalia Pschenitschnikova, voix, Roland Dahinden, trombone, Günter Meinhart, percussion, Trio RGB (Sophie Bansac, alto ; Cordula Grolle, violoncelle ; John Eckhardt, contrebasse) ; Thomas Musil, IEM Graz, live electonics, 1 cd Col Legno, 2007, WWE20271.
- Klaus LANG, einfalt.stille, Bettina Junge, flûte, Natalia Pschenitschnikova, voix, Adam Weisman, percussion, Karen Lorenz, violoncelle, 1 cd Edition RZ, 2007, RZ4007.
- Klaus LANG, Trauermusiken, Barbara Konrad, Evelyn Fink, violons, Ingeburg Weingerl, alto, Christine Seegers, violoncelle, 1 cd Edition RZ, 2002, RZ4003.
- Klaus LANG, sei-jaku, Arditti String Quartet, 1 cd Edition RZ, 2004, RZ4005.
- Klaus LANG, die überwinterung der mollusken : der weg des prinzen I (die sieben boten) ; die drei spiegel der schönen karin ; cetvs candidvs ; der herr der insel, Klangforum Wien, 1 cd Durian Records, 1999, durian 010-2.